I believe that we are witnessing the end of a Fable. During the Bush 43 years, there were 2 Fables regarding world opinion of the US constantly displayed. The first is that Bush destroyed the reputation of the US in the world. But the corollary to that is the Fable that America is the Shining Light of the World, admired by all. Even an Amnesty International executive bemoaned that the US was such an admired country and had fallen so far. This is especially funny, as Amnesty International has criticized the US during its entire existence.
The fact is that the rest of the world never had the US on such a high pedestal. Oh sure, many have a favorable opinion of the US but people tend to understand that the US has problems and is not universal loved. The problem with the Fable is that many Americans actually believed it. Obama seems to have believed it. And the result of this belief is another belief that the world will follow the US once we put our ship back on course. Nonsense. It is harder than that.
Obama appears to think, as a result of the myth of US superiority, that his presence along will bring a Global Warming agreement. Now that myth is destroyed. Obama could have gotten an agreement on Climate and really changed the world if his actions matched his rhetoric. If the US really cared about Climate Change than the US should have stepped up and done a whole lot more than assist in raising $100 billion a year for developing countries. That is chum change. And apparently the US was only planning on $10 billion from itself.
If Climate Change is the threat that Obama thinks it is, the US should have pledged much more. Currently we are spending $5 billion a day more than our income. We had a deficit of $1,800 billion in FY 2009. The federal government budget is over $3 trillion. And Obama wants to spend $10 billion on the MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD?
No one seems to know where that $1.8 trillion deficit went. It did not go for infrastructure improvements and repair. It did not go for education. It did not go for environmental projects. It did not go for health care. All of that stuff hasn't even been passed into law yet. It just disappeared. How does he plan on paying for the important stuff when money is being frittered away?
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Bush Doctrine
No one, except that ABC guy, is really sure what the Bush Doctrine is but many think that it includes the concepts that evil exists and that war is sometimes needed for peace. In his amazing acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama reiterated those concepts. You may call it the "Obama Doctrine" but it sounds a lot like the things that Bush43 believed in.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The EPA and Carbon
The EPA recently announced that it has determined that CO2, Methane, and some other global warming gases are damaging the environment and that they, the EPA, is permitted under the Clean Air Act of 1970, to regulate. I would think that Congress could pass additional legislation that would take away this right but that won't happen.
So, now the EPA is threatening Congress to pass Cap and Trade or similar legislation to control greenhouse gases or they will.
Supporters say that it is about time that we use science to make decisions. But these science supporters make no mention of behavioral sciences. The EPA can only regulate the US. It would seem obvious that manufacturing and cattle operations would simply go overseas. We live in a global community-why operates where the costs are higher?
So, now the EPA is threatening Congress to pass Cap and Trade or similar legislation to control greenhouse gases or they will.
Supporters say that it is about time that we use science to make decisions. But these science supporters make no mention of behavioral sciences. The EPA can only regulate the US. It would seem obvious that manufacturing and cattle operations would simply go overseas. We live in a global community-why operates where the costs are higher?
Narcissism and Obama
It seems that narcissism is one of the key character traits of Barack Obama. He seems to lack an understanding or appreciation or even association with the contributions of others. We first saw it in his disdain for his predecessor. When he was offered a book on the negative impact of the US on Latin America by Hugo Charez, written in the 1970s, he commented that at least he was not to blame because he was 10 at the time. As someone who was taught that we should have collective guilt for the transgressions of US history, this seemed odd.
Now others are noticing this. The British have been extremely helpful to Obama on many issues, including Afghanistan, yet they, along with all those countries assisting in Afghanistan, are never acknowledged.
Now others are noticing this. The British have been extremely helpful to Obama on many issues, including Afghanistan, yet they, along with all those countries assisting in Afghanistan, are never acknowledged.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Several months ago, President Zelaya of Honduras was removed from office by the country's highest court and the legislature. Zelaya was attempted to change the constitution and seek re-election as President. Hugo Chavez used a similar plan to change the Venezulan constitution once he was elected President and is now President for life.
The Honduras constitution does not have an impreachment procedures so the actions of the court and legislature was the only option open and the military followed their actions.
Obama condemned the removal of Zelaya. However, on 11/29/09, the Honduran people held an election and elected Lobo as President and Obama has stated that he is now satisfied by the process. The free election is a victory for the Honduran people and the rule of law. And a defeat for the Latin American socialists, including Brazil, Chile, Venezula, and Bolivia.
Obama deserves praise for changing his mind on this issue.
The Honduras constitution does not have an impreachment procedures so the actions of the court and legislature was the only option open and the military followed their actions.
Obama condemned the removal of Zelaya. However, on 11/29/09, the Honduran people held an election and elected Lobo as President and Obama has stated that he is now satisfied by the process. The free election is a victory for the Honduran people and the rule of law. And a defeat for the Latin American socialists, including Brazil, Chile, Venezula, and Bolivia.
Obama deserves praise for changing his mind on this issue.
The World Still Hates the US
What a surprise! During the Bush Administration, opponents loved to bring out global surveys that indicated that the US was despised by many. While it is true in western Europe, surveys are not quite as clear in other parts of the world. Bush enjoyed an appreciation in sub-Saharan Africa and India, for example.
Now we find that the US continues to be maligned in the Arab world. We have actually lost ground in Pakistan which is certainly understandable since Obama is using drones to kill Pakistani civilians.
Personally, I find it odd that anyone would change their opinion about a country based on the head of state. Countries tend to follow a pattern and the same country that elected Obama elected Bush. The US remains the US, as obvious as that sounds. Has your opinions of Canada changed recently? Your attitude toward Germany?
Now we find that the US continues to be maligned in the Arab world. We have actually lost ground in Pakistan which is certainly understandable since Obama is using drones to kill Pakistani civilians.
Personally, I find it odd that anyone would change their opinion about a country based on the head of state. Countries tend to follow a pattern and the same country that elected Obama elected Bush. The US remains the US, as obvious as that sounds. Has your opinions of Canada changed recently? Your attitude toward Germany?
Obama Continues Bush Policy on Land Mines
More than 150 countries have signed an agreement not to use land mines while the US continues it's unilateral approach and refuses to sign the agreement.
The sad part here is that Obama campaigned as an agent of hope and change and putting the US back into the international community. Of course, that was either campaign rhetoric which he had no intention of following, or, more likely, Obama lacked the understanding of issues while on the campaign trail, having little experience, and now he is beginning to understand the nuances of policy.
The sad part here is that Obama campaigned as an agent of hope and change and putting the US back into the international community. Of course, that was either campaign rhetoric which he had no intention of following, or, more likely, Obama lacked the understanding of issues while on the campaign trail, having little experience, and now he is beginning to understand the nuances of policy.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Climate Change
First of all, I consider myself an environmentalist and think that we should tread lightly in terms of our environmental impact. I also believe that the philosophy of science indicates that we know very little and all scientific theories are only the best guesses based upon our current knowledge. All theories change with more data. And now there is data that indicates for the past 10 years we have had some global cooling.
"Even alarmist Tim Flannery, confronted on Lateline with the emails of the global warming conspiracy, concedes holes in the “science is settled” argument and admits to what he didn’t before:
We’re dealing with an incomplete understanding of the way the earth system works… When we come to the last few years when we haven’t seen a continuation of that (warming) trend we don’t understand all of the factors that create earth’s climate...We just don’t understand the way the whole system works… See, these people work with models, computer modelling. So when the computer modelling and the real world data disagree you’ve got a very interesting problem… Sure for the last 10 years we’ve gone through a slight cooling trend."
"Even alarmist Tim Flannery, confronted on Lateline with the emails of the global warming conspiracy, concedes holes in the “science is settled” argument and admits to what he didn’t before:
We’re dealing with an incomplete understanding of the way the earth system works… When we come to the last few years when we haven’t seen a continuation of that (warming) trend we don’t understand all of the factors that create earth’s climate...We just don’t understand the way the whole system works… See, these people work with models, computer modelling. So when the computer modelling and the real world data disagree you’ve got a very interesting problem… Sure for the last 10 years we’ve gone through a slight cooling trend."
Health Care Reform
I am troubled by the health care legislation. I support the idea of a government providing a safety net on health care, providing some basic preventative measures, as well as catastrophic care to help financially when a major illness hits. However, I am troubled by this group warfare and the continuing shifting of benefits from the young adults to older adults. Currently, young adults are largely subsidizing the 65+ people and Medicare. With the current plans, it looks like young adults will now also subsidize the 50-64 yr olds. The plan will require that older people be charged no more than twice the premiums of young adults despite the fact that older adults use 4-5 times the medical care.
If young adults really understand this and want this, I guess that I will support the plan but I find it very hard to believe that the young adults really want more money shifting from them to the 50 and over crowd.
If young adults really understand this and want this, I guess that I will support the plan but I find it very hard to believe that the young adults really want more money shifting from them to the 50 and over crowd.
Monday, November 23, 2009
US and the Global Economy

So, as we move toward the European model with highly taxed entitlement societies, what do you think will happen to the US? It appears that since the post-Vietnam era, the US has maintained it's share of the world economy (from 26.3% in 1973 to 26.7% in 2009) while the European share dropped from 36% to 26%.
Depressing News of the Day
Apparently 4 out of 5 "orphans" worldwide actually have at least one parent. But orphanage coerce parents into giving up custody and the result is that children suffer rapes, beatings, etc in institutions. Parents tend to give up custody in part beacuse they are poor and lack the funds or food to adequately care for the child. But the institutions are worst.
I was made a pledge to donate all of my charity dollars to overseas charities. My two favorite institutions are Kiva.org and ChildFund.org. 2 billion people are living on less than $2.50 per day. The infant mortality rate in Angola is 180 which means that out of 1,000 new borns, 180 will die before their first birthday.
I was made a pledge to donate all of my charity dollars to overseas charities. My two favorite institutions are Kiva.org and ChildFund.org. 2 billion people are living on less than $2.50 per day. The infant mortality rate in Angola is 180 which means that out of 1,000 new borns, 180 will die before their first birthday.
Climate Change
Climate Change scientist caught with Al Gore blow-up doll.
P.S. This is a joke.
P.S. This is a joke.
Obama and World Opinion
While the main media has been trumpheting the new found popularity of the US since Obama got elected the reaction is not consistent world-wide. The approval for the US went up primarily in western Europe. In some other places the situation is different. As a continent, Africa benefited from Bush's policies and enjoined tremendous economic growth as was the case in India. Eastern Europe also had an appreciated for Bush.
But the country with the biggest change was Germany, where Bush was despiced and Obama greatly admired. But the situation is changing quickly. Der Spiegel, the most prominent magazine in Germany, is blunt: Obama lied to Europe. He is following the Bush plan on Climate Change. And his niceness is not producing any improvements in any relations with other countries. Der Spiegel thinks that he should adopt some Bush like toughness.
But the country with the biggest change was Germany, where Bush was despiced and Obama greatly admired. But the situation is changing quickly. Der Spiegel, the most prominent magazine in Germany, is blunt: Obama lied to Europe. He is following the Bush plan on Climate Change. And his niceness is not producing any improvements in any relations with other countries. Der Spiegel thinks that he should adopt some Bush like toughness.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Obama and Experience
I am a little hung up on the legacy of Lyndon B. Johnson. As a draft age male growing up amidst daily ubiquitous reports of the causalities from the Vietnam War and knowing that all males 18-26 would be required to register for the draft, his decisions had an impact. But there is also the legacy of his legislative accomplishments.
LBJ had considerable legislative experience prior to becoming President and he pushed through an amazing agenda. He changed America, perhaps more than any President. But there is a downside to his Great Society, unintended consequences, that seem to have harmed the US ever since.
It is my fundamental belief that governments should reward behavior that they want and punish behavior that they don't want. This causes a conflict with the liberal agenda items and also makes it very easy to rally support for the liberal agenda. For example, Unemployment Compensation rewards people who are not working and thereby encourages people to not even bother looking actively for work. Aid to singe parents encourages single parent families. Meanwhile, taxes on interest earned in saving accounts discourages savings. Capital gains taxes discourages investments.
One can sympathize with people out of work and want to assist them but the assistance should not have the unintended consequence of encouraging people to remain unemployed. People who oppose aid to single parent children are not mean-spirited but may want to find another means to support the children without encouraging the behavior.
Anyway, back to the subject. Since LBJ, hardly any President has had legislative experience. Since his departure, elected Presidents have only had 16 total years in Congress, with the 6 years of Nixon, 6 years from GHWBush, and 4 years from Obama.
Now Obama is having troubles getting legislation through Congress despite the 60% majorities in both houses. And it is good that he lacks the leadership skills to improve this situation. Otherwise, his legacy would be as bad a LBJ's.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704204304574545733826430664.htm l
LBJ had considerable legislative experience prior to becoming President and he pushed through an amazing agenda. He changed America, perhaps more than any President. But there is a downside to his Great Society, unintended consequences, that seem to have harmed the US ever since.
It is my fundamental belief that governments should reward behavior that they want and punish behavior that they don't want. This causes a conflict with the liberal agenda items and also makes it very easy to rally support for the liberal agenda. For example, Unemployment Compensation rewards people who are not working and thereby encourages people to not even bother looking actively for work. Aid to singe parents encourages single parent families. Meanwhile, taxes on interest earned in saving accounts discourages savings. Capital gains taxes discourages investments.
One can sympathize with people out of work and want to assist them but the assistance should not have the unintended consequence of encouraging people to remain unemployed. People who oppose aid to single parent children are not mean-spirited but may want to find another means to support the children without encouraging the behavior.
Anyway, back to the subject. Since LBJ, hardly any President has had legislative experience. Since his departure, elected Presidents have only had 16 total years in Congress, with the 6 years of Nixon, 6 years from GHWBush, and 4 years from Obama.
Now Obama is having troubles getting legislation through Congress despite the 60% majorities in both houses. And it is good that he lacks the leadership skills to improve this situation. Otherwise, his legacy would be as bad a LBJ's.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704204304574545733826430664.htm l
Wealth of Nations
What makes a country wealthy? Perhaps having a government that promotes transparent transactions and allows it's citizens to keep the wealth that they have earned.
Palin and the Main Street Media
Apparently the Associated Press assigned 10 reporters to read Sarah Palin's book and look for errors. And they discovered 6 errors. Among the errors in the book is the following:
"PALIN: Says she made frugality a point when traveling on state business as Alaska governor, asking "only" for reasonably priced rooms and not "often" going for the "high-end, robe-and-slippers" hotels.
THE FACTS: Although she usually opted for less-pricey hotels while governor, Palin and daughter Bristol stayed five days and four nights at the $707.29-per-night Essex House luxury hotel (robes and slippers come standard) . . ."
I guess that some people will read this and wonder what is the difference "not often" using high end hotels and "usually" using high end hotels. And the Palin haters will pompously proclaim :$707.29 PER NIGHT? Is she nuts?"
Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal discovered the following about Palin versus the health care bills:
"Number of AP reporters assigned to story:
• ObamaCare bills: 2
• Palin book: 11
Number of pages in document being covered:
• ObamaCare bills: 4,064
• Palin book: 432
Number of pages per AP reporter:
• ObamaCare bill: 2,032
• Palin book: 39.3
"On a per-page basis, that is, the AP devoted 52 times as much manpower to the memoir of a former Republican officeholder as to a piece of legislation that will cost trillions of dollars and an untold number of lives. That's what they call accountability journalism. "
"PALIN: Says she made frugality a point when traveling on state business as Alaska governor, asking "only" for reasonably priced rooms and not "often" going for the "high-end, robe-and-slippers" hotels.
THE FACTS: Although she usually opted for less-pricey hotels while governor, Palin and daughter Bristol stayed five days and four nights at the $707.29-per-night Essex House luxury hotel (robes and slippers come standard) . . ."
I guess that some people will read this and wonder what is the difference "not often" using high end hotels and "usually" using high end hotels. And the Palin haters will pompously proclaim :$707.29 PER NIGHT? Is she nuts?"
Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal discovered the following about Palin versus the health care bills:
"Number of AP reporters assigned to story:
• ObamaCare bills: 2
• Palin book: 11
Number of pages in document being covered:
• ObamaCare bills: 4,064
• Palin book: 432
Number of pages per AP reporter:
• ObamaCare bill: 2,032
• Palin book: 39.3
"On a per-page basis, that is, the AP devoted 52 times as much manpower to the memoir of a former Republican officeholder as to a piece of legislation that will cost trillions of dollars and an untold number of lives. That's what they call accountability journalism. "
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Health Care Reform
Some thoughts on Health Care from the Dean of Havard Medical School. Too often the health care debate consists of Dems pushing their idealogical, partisian approach and criticizing Repubs for standing in the way of progress and Repub not offering any meaningful alternatives beyond the good ideas of increased competition and tort reform.
It should be obvious that we can not just add 50 million people to our current system without considerable costs and considerable increases in waiting times to get into seeing a doctor. And probably extra cost increases because emergency room usage will increase when people can't get into seeing a doctor otherwise. Doctors aren't just working at 70% of capacity now, waiting to provide service to all these new people.
And you can not just cut $50 billion or so, c 16%, from Medicare spending. Oh sure, you can pay less to the Doctors but they are not required to take Medicare patients. What would you do if you got 20% less for working for someone? Would you find another employer?
Somewhat is going to have to explain that we either need rationing or some customer based pricing for services. Someone who insists on motorized scooters and medical testing of questionable value should have to pay out of pocket.
It should be obvious that we can not just add 50 million people to our current system without considerable costs and considerable increases in waiting times to get into seeing a doctor. And probably extra cost increases because emergency room usage will increase when people can't get into seeing a doctor otherwise. Doctors aren't just working at 70% of capacity now, waiting to provide service to all these new people.
And you can not just cut $50 billion or so, c 16%, from Medicare spending. Oh sure, you can pay less to the Doctors but they are not required to take Medicare patients. What would you do if you got 20% less for working for someone? Would you find another employer?
Somewhat is going to have to explain that we either need rationing or some customer based pricing for services. Someone who insists on motorized scooters and medical testing of questionable value should have to pay out of pocket.
Climate Control
OK, Clinton failed to get Congress to pass any global warming legislation for the Kyoto Accords of 1997 and now Obama will be equally unable to get any approval for legislation for the Copenhagen meetings, designed to replace the retiring Kyoto Accords in 2012.
And yet Bush is the bad guy, apparently. Obama, with the Democratic Party controlling 60% of both houses in Congress, has no excuse, except for his own poor leadership.
And yet Bush is the bad guy, apparently. Obama, with the Democratic Party controlling 60% of both houses in Congress, has no excuse, except for his own poor leadership.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Want to Save the Planet? Eat your dog.
Pets have a rather large "pawprint. A medium size dog contributes as much CO2 as a 4.6 liter Land Cruiser driven 6,000 miles/year.
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Federal Debt
Just had a look at the FY 2010 Federal Budget, the first totally controlled by Obama (although it would be wrong not to give him credit/blame for changes in the FY2009 budget).
At the end of Bush's last complete fiscal year, the debt held by the public (as opposed to on-the books debt held by the Social Security Administration, Medicare, and other governmental agencies) was $5,803 billion. It is currently, as of 11/12/09, $7,588 billion. By the end of Obama's first term's fiscal year, this debt is projected at $10,985.
At the end of the last complete Clinton Fiscal year (9/30/2000) this debt was $3,405.
So, if my math is correct, Bush added c. $2.6 billion to the public held debt in 8 years, while Obama is adding $5.1 billion in 4 years.
Note: The Total Public Debt (Federal) now is $11,986,954,033,520. as of yesterday.
The FY 2010 budget is projected to add $1,171 billion to the debt.
UPDATE: The FY2010 Budget is already off by $20 Billion with $176.4 Billion in deficits for the month. Revenues at 18% lower than expected.
At the end of Bush's last complete fiscal year, the debt held by the public (as opposed to on-the books debt held by the Social Security Administration, Medicare, and other governmental agencies) was $5,803 billion. It is currently, as of 11/12/09, $7,588 billion. By the end of Obama's first term's fiscal year, this debt is projected at $10,985.
At the end of the last complete Clinton Fiscal year (9/30/2000) this debt was $3,405.
So, if my math is correct, Bush added c. $2.6 billion to the public held debt in 8 years, while Obama is adding $5.1 billion in 4 years.
Note: The Total Public Debt (Federal) now is $11,986,954,033,520. as of yesterday.
The FY 2010 budget is projected to add $1,171 billion to the debt.
UPDATE: The FY2010 Budget is already off by $20 Billion with $176.4 Billion in deficits for the month. Revenues at 18% lower than expected.
Joe Klein recently defined neoconservatism in roughly accurate terms, “as unilateral bellicosity cloaked in the utopian rhetoric of freedom and democracy.”
I like that definition because it got me thinking of the definition of liberalism, as practiced in the US. Winston Churchill famously said that a 20 year old who is not a liberal has no heart and a 40 year old who is not a conservative has no brain. I think that this is true, with the basic reason that liberalism tends to disregard the behavior sciences and doesn't understand how people think and act.
Liberalism perhaps should be defined as “as oligarchy cloaked in the utopian rhetoric of social justice, freedom and democracy.”
I like that definition because it got me thinking of the definition of liberalism, as practiced in the US. Winston Churchill famously said that a 20 year old who is not a liberal has no heart and a 40 year old who is not a conservative has no brain. I think that this is true, with the basic reason that liberalism tends to disregard the behavior sciences and doesn't understand how people think and act.
Liberalism perhaps should be defined as “as oligarchy cloaked in the utopian rhetoric of social justice, freedom and democracy.”
Shakeup In the Obama Administration
"Democratic officials said Craig(Chief Legal Counsel) was ousted because of frustration among senior White House aides over his handling of the plans to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. As the White House's top lawyer, Craig was pivotal in advising Obama to sign an executive order during his first week in office promising to shut the prison by the end of January 2010.
In a politically embarrassing move that has frustrated some of the president's liberal supporters, White House aides have since backed off that deadline, citing complex legal issues surrounding what to do with the approximately 200 terror suspects still detained at Guantanamo."
Who knew that it was a tricky matter dealing with Gitmo people? Oh, that's right-Bush.
In a politically embarrassing move that has frustrated some of the president's liberal supporters, White House aides have since backed off that deadline, citing complex legal issues surrounding what to do with the approximately 200 terror suspects still detained at Guantanamo."
Who knew that it was a tricky matter dealing with Gitmo people? Oh, that's right-Bush.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Maybe Clinton's directive should be extended to religion as well as sexual orientation in the military.
Nadal Hasan openly talked about jihad, the problems with sending Muslims to fight in "Muslim" wars, etc. The Turkish Army, with strong secular tendencies, would have booted out someone like Hasan some time ago.
Nadal Hasan openly talked about jihad, the problems with sending Muslims to fight in "Muslim" wars, etc. The Turkish Army, with strong secular tendencies, would have booted out someone like Hasan some time ago.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Obama's Health Tax
What is a tax? Wouldn't the requirement to buy insurance (regardless of anything you do, such as driving) constitute a tax? Certainly the dictionary would say so:
"a charge…imposed by authority on persons or property for public purposes” is commonly considered a tax."
Anyway, it appears now that there may be a 2.5% of income penalty if someone does not purchase health insurance and a 11% of income "tax" (or compulsory premium) to buy health insurance. It will be interesting to see how many opt for the penalty instead of the tax.
"a charge…imposed by authority on persons or property for public purposes” is commonly considered a tax."
Anyway, it appears now that there may be a 2.5% of income penalty if someone does not purchase health insurance and a 11% of income "tax" (or compulsory premium) to buy health insurance. It will be interesting to see how many opt for the penalty instead of the tax.
Pakistan Drone War
"Obama, far from curtailing the drone program he inherited from President George W. Bush, has dramatically increased the number of U.S. Predator and Reaper drone strikes. There have been 44 strikes in Pakistan this year (two while Bush was still in office), compared with 34 in all of 2008. None of the strikes under either Bush or Obama has targeted Osama bin Laden, who seems to have vanished like a wraith."
"Under President Obama, the strikes have taken out at most half a dozen militant leaders while killing approximately 450 other people. Of those, about 75 percent are reported to have been lower-level militants, and about a quarter appear to have been civilians. The strikes appear to have killed a slightly lower percentage of civilians in the past nine months than during the earlier years of the American drone campaign in Pakistan."
I just do not get it. So much is being written about waterboarding 3 people under medical supervision and prosecuting those responsible for this action and yet nothing is being done to determine who authorized this undeclared war on Pakistani civilians.
"Under President Obama, the strikes have taken out at most half a dozen militant leaders while killing approximately 450 other people. Of those, about 75 percent are reported to have been lower-level militants, and about a quarter appear to have been civilians. The strikes appear to have killed a slightly lower percentage of civilians in the past nine months than during the earlier years of the American drone campaign in Pakistan."
I just do not get it. So much is being written about waterboarding 3 people under medical supervision and prosecuting those responsible for this action and yet nothing is being done to determine who authorized this undeclared war on Pakistani civilians.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Grad Student Wins Nobel Prize for Economics
"Pfuffnick's Nobel Economics Prize triumph hailed by manyLONDON — The surprise choice of first-year graduate student Quintus Pfuffnick for the Nobel Prize in Economics drew praise from much of the world Friday even as many pointed out the youthful economist has not yet published anything in scholarly journals."
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize
A former member of the committe of 5 in the Norwegian Parliament can not understand why so many people care about what 5 relatively unknown people think about who should get an award for peace. Neither can I. Especially when the current group of voters in this group seem pre-occupied with influencing US actions, whether to encourage support for Palestinians (Carter 2002) climate change (Gore 2007) or sending more troops to Afghanistan or whatever they voted on.
US is the most admired country in the world
I find this interesting. US moved up from 7th place in 2008 to first place in 2009 in this poll of admired countries. One of the authors attributes this "astonishing" rise to the election of Obama. Congratulations to the US.
Meanwhile, Canada fell from 4th to 7th.
What I find interesting is not just those results but the idea that the US, which the media says is hated worldwide because of the policies of Bush, ranked 7th in the world. 7th! That is where Canada ranks now. And Canadians think that they are the most admired country in the world. How is it possible for the media to say that the US was despiced when it ranked as high as Canada ranks now?
Meanwhile, Canada fell from 4th to 7th.
What I find interesting is not just those results but the idea that the US, which the media says is hated worldwide because of the policies of Bush, ranked 7th in the world. 7th! That is where Canada ranks now. And Canadians think that they are the most admired country in the world. How is it possible for the media to say that the US was despiced when it ranked as high as Canada ranks now?
McDonald's at the Louvre
Apparently, most French don't have a problem with McDonald's opening up at the Louvre but are amused by the non-French reaction. The French generally like McDonalds because they support French farmers and France is the second most profitably country for McDonalds.
"Even Francois Simon, France's best-known food critic and the man said to have inspired Anton Ego in the Pixar film Ratatouille, he thinks the French papers were right to ignore the story. "
"Even Francois Simon, France's best-known food critic and the man said to have inspired Anton Ego in the Pixar film Ratatouille, he thinks the French papers were right to ignore the story. "
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Cash for Clunkers
I don't think much of the idea behind Cash for Clunkers. I have never owned a car or truck that qualified as a "clunker" so I would not have been able to take advantage of it. I always have believed in buying fuel efficient cars. And the Cash for Clunkers program rewards foolish people for making foolish choices.
But there is another side: Does this program help the economy? Apparently not. Nor does it help the environment.
But there is another side: Does this program help the economy? Apparently not. Nor does it help the environment.
My SodaHead Responses on Health Care
Does it seem odd that some people put down the US health care system by saying that it ranks 37th and yet they celebrate Canada's system which ranks 30th? Hardly sounds like much of an improvement and hardly looks like a model for the US. Netherlands ranks much higher and uses compulsory private insurance. Sounds like a much better model than the single payor public system in Canada and UK. One good thing about the Canadian system, however, seems to be that as a confederation, provinces have more autonomony and there is not a single Federal health insurance system-there is provincial control.
Odd that the Canadians are complaining about their low, 30th, ranking due to questionable criteria in the WHO ranking. And WHO is currently revising their methodology and withholding new rankings until they better address issues with the criteria. Rankings are always suspect. My point is that ranking 37th is not really that bad when Canada ranks 30th, Australia 32nd, Denmark 34th.
It seems to me that it is the utmost of arrogance to think that the US is #1 in everything or should be. In the first place, WHO has given up rating countries on health care because of the complexity involved. In the second place, their posted rankings are now 9 years old. In the 3rd place, I don't mind being ranked in the same area as Australia, Denmark, Costa Rica, New Zealand-all these countries have great health care. But, most importantly is this-it is not that I am against universal health care, I am just against Obama's public option. He said it best himself-"FedEx and UPS don't have a problem, the Post Office has a problem." If he would drop his silly subborn idealogical partisian insistence on the public option, health care would have a much better chance of passing. Netherlands, Germany, and many other countries who rank much higher than Canada on health care have compulsory PRIVATE insurance. Regulate private insurance. Don't put out another inefficient, ineffective, bureaucratic, government run piece of crap legislation.
The top 8 countries are: France, Italy, San Marino, Andorra, Malta, Singapore, Spain, Oman. Congratulations to Andorra, Oman et al but I don't really want to live in any of those countries. You want the US to rank with Malta?
Odd that the Canadians are complaining about their low, 30th, ranking due to questionable criteria in the WHO ranking. And WHO is currently revising their methodology and withholding new rankings until they better address issues with the criteria. Rankings are always suspect. My point is that ranking 37th is not really that bad when Canada ranks 30th, Australia 32nd, Denmark 34th.
It seems to me that it is the utmost of arrogance to think that the US is #1 in everything or should be. In the first place, WHO has given up rating countries on health care because of the complexity involved. In the second place, their posted rankings are now 9 years old. In the 3rd place, I don't mind being ranked in the same area as Australia, Denmark, Costa Rica, New Zealand-all these countries have great health care. But, most importantly is this-it is not that I am against universal health care, I am just against Obama's public option. He said it best himself-"FedEx and UPS don't have a problem, the Post Office has a problem." If he would drop his silly subborn idealogical partisian insistence on the public option, health care would have a much better chance of passing. Netherlands, Germany, and many other countries who rank much higher than Canada on health care have compulsory PRIVATE insurance. Regulate private insurance. Don't put out another inefficient, ineffective, bureaucratic, government run piece of crap legislation.
The top 8 countries are: France, Italy, San Marino, Andorra, Malta, Singapore, Spain, Oman. Congratulations to Andorra, Oman et al but I don't really want to live in any of those countries. You want the US to rank with Malta?
The Value of Health Insurance
This is just so funny. Here we are, debating health care and fretting over the 50 million Americans without health insurance. And along comes a respected researcher who studies the issue and finds, contrary to his intuition and wishes, that those without health insurance have the same mortality rates as those with insurance. Apparently doctors do nothing, for most people. And yet this little study remains hidden. Even Politifact seems like it is unhappy with this study.
US ends non-humanitarian aid to Honduras
Despite the fact that both the high court and the legislature recomended that the Honduras President be removed for violations to the constitution, the US still wants to punish the Honduran people.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Bush 43 War Record
So, George Bush volunteered for Vietnam service but was turned down because other pilots that volunteered had more experience. This seems very believable. Odd that this was not reported. Of course, either way, in my mind the main problem with the idea that Bush "hid out in the National Guard" to keep from going to Vietnam is that over 6,000 Guardsmen died in Vietnam and serving in the Guard was hardly a guarantee that you would not be sent to Vietnam. Once in the National Guard, you could be sent anywhere. Or not sent. Either way, it would not be your decision.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Cap and Trade
The UofWisconsin grad student who first proposed the idea of Cap and Trade now opposes it and questions whether it will work. He prefers emission taxes.
I have always (well, since 1971 or so) thought the government should have taxes to cover the real cost of non-renewable resources and pollution. Cap and Trade seems like such a silly idea, especially on the global scale. There is still time for the Senate to reconsider the House plan.
I have always (well, since 1971 or so) thought the government should have taxes to cover the real cost of non-renewable resources and pollution. Cap and Trade seems like such a silly idea, especially on the global scale. There is still time for the Senate to reconsider the House plan.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Race Relations
A few thoughts on the Obama-Gates-Crowley Situation:
1. Lack of trust in the black community leads to more crime and Gates and Obama's comments will lead to less trust.
2. Disrepect for the police will unfortunately contribute to the death of an African American and the Gates and Obama comments contribute to this disrepect.
3. Racism is defined as taking a general or historic truth, such as "many young black males are criminal" or "white cops have done racial profiling" and applying these generalities to a specific case, such as "those 2 black guys are doing something illegal" or "the white cop is racially profiling. It would seem that maybe Gates, and definitely Obama, had a racist moment here.
I like the comment that many are concerned about the "guilty until proven innocent" attitude toward Crowley. Like the attitude toward the Duke University Lacrosse team.
1. Lack of trust in the black community leads to more crime and Gates and Obama's comments will lead to less trust.
2. Disrepect for the police will unfortunately contribute to the death of an African American and the Gates and Obama comments contribute to this disrepect.
3. Racism is defined as taking a general or historic truth, such as "many young black males are criminal" or "white cops have done racial profiling" and applying these generalities to a specific case, such as "those 2 black guys are doing something illegal" or "the white cop is racially profiling. It would seem that maybe Gates, and definitely Obama, had a racist moment here.
I like the comment that many are concerned about the "guilty until proven innocent" attitude toward Crowley. Like the attitude toward the Duke University Lacrosse team.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Another decline in Obama's popularity
Now 29% Strongly Approve of Obama's performance and 40% Strongly Disapprove.
I normally support the underdog because it is important to have a contrarian view and prevent the mob rule effect. So, if this keeps up, I may have to start writing good things about Obama.
But, for now, the main media is still doing that job. When they start looking accurately at Obama's performance, I will start supporting him.
I normally support the underdog because it is important to have a contrarian view and prevent the mob rule effect. So, if this keeps up, I may have to start writing good things about Obama.
But, for now, the main media is still doing that job. When they start looking accurately at Obama's performance, I will start supporting him.
Tom Friedman
I always enjoyed reading Tom Friedman's books. The World is Flat, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, etc. But this house of his is just shocking.
We have greed in this country. We have environmental problems caused by the over consumption of resources. We have an inequitable distribution of wealth. I try to do my part by living in a 950 sq ft house, with 100% of the electricity coming from renewable means, heating with a "green" pellet stove, using a manual mower, etc. I do this from choice, not economic necessity. And I contribute a reasonable percent of my income to Kiva.com, Children's Fund International, and other charities.
Why in the world does Friedman has a house like this?
We have greed in this country. We have environmental problems caused by the over consumption of resources. We have an inequitable distribution of wealth. I try to do my part by living in a 950 sq ft house, with 100% of the electricity coming from renewable means, heating with a "green" pellet stove, using a manual mower, etc. I do this from choice, not economic necessity. And I contribute a reasonable percent of my income to Kiva.com, Children's Fund International, and other charities.
Why in the world does Friedman has a house like this?
Health Care
Obama has agrued, counterintuitively, that health care will actually save tons of money because American businesses have been so burdened by health care costs and his plan would save money.
Unfortunately, the CBO estimates than any savings will be very small and will not offset the increased cost of universal health care.
Unfortunately, the CBO estimates than any savings will be very small and will not offset the increased cost of universal health care.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Health Care Reform
I beleive that every state has a health plan. Massachusetts has a Universal Health Plan. So, how about this as a federal health care measure: Require every state to have a universal health care plan. Provide some federal funds for these plans. A lot of funding could come from simply taxing current health care benefits. It should be common sense that someone who makes $40,000 a year and has a employer provided health plan through work that costs the employer $13,000 per year has more income than someone who makes $40,000 a year and no health plan.
And all Congress members must have the same plan as their state plan.
And all Congress members must have the same plan as their state plan.
Racial Profiling
My concern here, and why I despise Obama's remarks, is that sometime soon, an African American is going to have a confrontation with the police. And the African American will be emboldened by Obama's remarks and confront the police on the perceived, rightly or wrongly, injustice of the police involvement and the situation will escalate and the final victim will be the African American.
Common sense tells me that the police don't know who you are and what you are capable of. And the wise course is to stay calm and do as you are told. If it is police harassment, bring that up later, in a less stressful environment, in a day or whenever.
An African American will be killed by police and Obama's statement will be, in a small measure, a contributing factor.
Common sense tells me that the police don't know who you are and what you are capable of. And the wise course is to stay calm and do as you are told. If it is police harassment, bring that up later, in a less stressful environment, in a day or whenever.
An African American will be killed by police and Obama's statement will be, in a small measure, a contributing factor.
2 Odd News stories today. An ABC article entitled: "Sarah Palin Losing Popularity, Problems for Political Future"
And a Rasmussen poll that shows Palin in a statistical tie with Obama in the 2012 Presidential race.
So, to recap, Palin is in real trouble and Palin is tied with Obama. Amazing disconnect in the main stream media.
And a Rasmussen poll that shows Palin in a statistical tie with Obama in the 2012 Presidential race.
So, to recap, Palin is in real trouble and Palin is tied with Obama. Amazing disconnect in the main stream media.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tonsillectomies of Greed
I got to go with doctors when it comes to health care. If I had to chose between all the doctors disappearing or all lawyers disappearing, I would go with the removal of the lawyers. Why isn't tort reform or malpractice reform part of the health care plan?
Health Care Reform
Here is how I thought things worked in the US. You know, the 10th Admendment-"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Massachusetts has Universal Health Care. They, like the Dutch, basically made it mandatory for people to have health insurance. What is wrong with state by state health insurance? Why does there have to be a national plan. Don't things work better with more localized control?
Massachusetts has Universal Health Care. They, like the Dutch, basically made it mandatory for people to have health insurance. What is wrong with state by state health insurance? Why does there have to be a national plan. Don't things work better with more localized control?
Health Care Reform
For those of us who believe that Medicare is one of the main reasons why health care spending has increased over the past 40 years, way more than inflation, this is troubling news. And another breaking of a campaign promise by Obama. During the campaign he spoke in favor of private insurers and a voluntary system. Did he lie then or did he just discover realities?
Hope and Change
A group wants transparency and release of records detailing converations between the Obama administration and health care officials. No matter which party is in power, there should be disclosure, if there are no national security issues.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Hope and Change
They're back! Those presky signing statements that GWB liked to put on legislation prior to signing. Nobody liked them in Congress. Well, now Obama likes the idea.
Another decline in Obama's popularity
My natural tendency is always to precede slowly. Seldom is there really a rush to do something, outside of military operations. Public policies should be debated, opposing views listened to and incorporated into the policy, etc. So, it is great news that this runaway train is slowing down. I am in favor of universal health care. I am in favor of environmental safeguard and caution on global warming. I am in favor of the concept of energy independence (but also common sense suggests that we should get our energy at the cheapest prices, regardless of where those prices are.)
But I have little or no faith that Congress will do the right thing. I have little faith that any legislation is not some massive payout to special interests. I have little faith that any legislation will not have significant unforseen consequences that make that problem worse in the long run. We are still suffering from the effects of some of LBJ's Great Society programs such as increased single families, broken homes, school dropouts, etc.
So this is why I cheer any decline of popularity for Obama. There is little negative consequence in just slowing things down. There is no reason for last minute admendments, bills passing without being read, etc.
But I have little or no faith that Congress will do the right thing. I have little faith that any legislation is not some massive payout to special interests. I have little faith that any legislation will not have significant unforseen consequences that make that problem worse in the long run. We are still suffering from the effects of some of LBJ's Great Society programs such as increased single families, broken homes, school dropouts, etc.
So this is why I cheer any decline of popularity for Obama. There is little negative consequence in just slowing things down. There is no reason for last minute admendments, bills passing without being read, etc.
Honduras seems to be a little below the radar but there is growing concerns. To recap the situation:
The President is elected for one term and can not be re-elected. Zelaya's term ends in January. However, Zelaya took steps to change the Constitution so that he could get re-elected. The Legislative Branch and the Judical Branch both told Zelaya to stop what he was planning. Zelaya proceded, against these complaints. There is no impeachment mechanism in the Constitution. The military stepped in and overthrew Zelaya.
I don't understand why we are getting involved but our involvement is helping fuel the flames and increase the liklihood of a civil war.
The President is elected for one term and can not be re-elected. Zelaya's term ends in January. However, Zelaya took steps to change the Constitution so that he could get re-elected. The Legislative Branch and the Judical Branch both told Zelaya to stop what he was planning. Zelaya proceded, against these complaints. There is no impeachment mechanism in the Constitution. The military stepped in and overthrew Zelaya.
I don't understand why we are getting involved but our involvement is helping fuel the flames and increase the liklihood of a civil war.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Our Federal Debt
I think that Congress likes it when we complain about Bush did this and Obama does that. It helps keep people's eyes off of the ball. Our Constitution gives so much power to the Congress. It is our legislative branch. It controls the budget. All revenue measures are required to start in the House of Representatives. All of the Executive Departments were formed and regulated by Congress. Except maybe the State and Defense departments but even they are controlled by the Congressional budgeting.
We are nearing a threshold. In the 6 years of having a Republican President and a Republican controlled Congress, we added $3,018 billion to our national debt. In the 2.5 years of having a Democrat controlled Congress, we added $2,918 to our debt. At the current rate, it will take about 3 total years, or 6 more months, for the Democrat controlled Congress to add more debt than the previous 12 years that there was a Republican controlled Congress. In 12 years of Republican control, $3,880 billion was added to the national debt.
We are nearing a threshold. In the 6 years of having a Republican President and a Republican controlled Congress, we added $3,018 billion to our national debt. In the 2.5 years of having a Democrat controlled Congress, we added $2,918 to our debt. At the current rate, it will take about 3 total years, or 6 more months, for the Democrat controlled Congress to add more debt than the previous 12 years that there was a Republican controlled Congress. In 12 years of Republican control, $3,880 billion was added to the national debt.
Health Care Reform
A thought on health care from David Bernstein:
Serious Health Care Reform Proposal: Let the Democrats put forward three different health care reform proposals. Let the Republicans put forward two different proposals. Find five states to volunteer. Each state adopts one of the proposals. Wait several years. See if any of these proposals worked out well, and if so, which one seems best, and why. Learn from this trial and error, and then pass a national health bill, instead of trying an untested, one-size fits all solution for 20% of the American economy.
Seems reasonable to me. We have gone 40+ years with millions of uninsured. And people don't agree on the current science. So have large scale testing. And bring health care now to millions.
UPDATE: I posted the above comment on SodaHead and got the response:
"Here's an idea:Let every single industrialized nation in the world except America require universal coverage.Wait several years.Find out which one works best and modify it for America.oops! We've already done that! "
Of course, we have not done that and there is considerably difference in what universal health care means. China has universal health care and families tend to allow parents to die rather than pay the costs of "universal health care". The Dutch system is basically a law that tells everyone that they must buy medical insurance through whatever private company they want. Sounds like a plan. If you want universal health care mandate that everyone buy a COBRA plan or something else like it. Wait, we already have that, don't we?
Serious Health Care Reform Proposal: Let the Democrats put forward three different health care reform proposals. Let the Republicans put forward two different proposals. Find five states to volunteer. Each state adopts one of the proposals. Wait several years. See if any of these proposals worked out well, and if so, which one seems best, and why. Learn from this trial and error, and then pass a national health bill, instead of trying an untested, one-size fits all solution for 20% of the American economy.
Seems reasonable to me. We have gone 40+ years with millions of uninsured. And people don't agree on the current science. So have large scale testing. And bring health care now to millions.
UPDATE: I posted the above comment on SodaHead and got the response:
"Here's an idea:Let every single industrialized nation in the world except America require universal coverage.Wait several years.Find out which one works best and modify it for America.oops! We've already done that! "
Of course, we have not done that and there is considerably difference in what universal health care means. China has universal health care and families tend to allow parents to die rather than pay the costs of "universal health care". The Dutch system is basically a law that tells everyone that they must buy medical insurance through whatever private company they want. Sounds like a plan. If you want universal health care mandate that everyone buy a COBRA plan or something else like it. Wait, we already have that, don't we?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Going John Galt
The Obama effect. Not sure whether the people who have pulled out of the economy either voluntarily or involuntarily will stay out. A year ago I thought that the US economy was so strong that it could withstand Obama and still be strong. Now I am not sure.
I can say, as a 59 year old who has gone Galt, I went from paying around $28,000 in taxes to receiving $30,000 in assorted government/public assistance and paying less than $2,000 in taxes (which I should get back when I file).
Why work? And why would I ever work again? And there are millions of baby boomers like me.
I can say, as a 59 year old who has gone Galt, I went from paying around $28,000 in taxes to receiving $30,000 in assorted government/public assistance and paying less than $2,000 in taxes (which I should get back when I file).
Why work? And why would I ever work again? And there are millions of baby boomers like me.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Hope and Change
I just love this. But then I love the odd twists and turns of "logic" that some people use. Obama's campaign was based largely on the idea that he was going to follow the law and put an end to the illegal things that Bush was doing.
Now the Administration realizes that they will not be able to prosecute the Gitmo detainees in time to close it by the end of the year but they will continue the detention process. And it would seem even worse to transfer the prisoners to another country where they would have even less rights than they had at Gitmo.
But the idea that, even if the detainees are prosecuted, if the sentence is insufficient, they would continue to be detained. What is that?
Now the Administration realizes that they will not be able to prosecute the Gitmo detainees in time to close it by the end of the year but they will continue the detention process. And it would seem even worse to transfer the prisoners to another country where they would have even less rights than they had at Gitmo.
But the idea that, even if the detainees are prosecuted, if the sentence is insufficient, they would continue to be detained. What is that?
Friday, July 3, 2009
Pres Clinton and the Economic Crisis
"Clinton bashing -- like Bush bashing -- is often a cop-out, but Clinton made critical mistakes when it came to dealing with the financial industry. Three poor decisions stand out. "
War on Pakistan
Where is the outrage? Where is the transparency? Where is the regard for human life? Bush started this outrageous policy and Obama has stepped it up. 40 Drone strikes on Pakistan. Killing over 700 civilians, most of them with no ties to Al Qaeda.
The following summarizes the situation in Honduras. Although there must be a more articulate counterpoint of view someplace. We are certainly not getting an articulate counterpoint from Obama, the OAS, or the UN. It would seem logical that if 2 of the branches of government support the overthrow of Zelaya than perhaps it was a legal and Constitutional "overthrow". Why is Obama is against the overthrow and meddling, something that he was unwilling to do in Iran?
Hypothetical, rhetorical question: If, say in 2007, the Congress impeached Bush but Bush tried to retain power would his arrest and forced removal from office be unconstitutional and a violation of law, condemned by Obama, the UN, and the OAS?
How does a country remove it's leader?
Hypothetical, rhetorical question: If, say in 2007, the Congress impeached Bush but Bush tried to retain power would his arrest and forced removal from office be unconstitutional and a violation of law, condemned by Obama, the UN, and the OAS?
How does a country remove it's leader?
Monday, June 29, 2009
The Ugly American
The idea of the Ugly American has been around for centuries. Perhaps it started in the early 1800s when we went after Barbary pirates, against the wishes of European powers. A book, followed by a movie, on the Ugly American was written in 1958. The theme was the way that US attempts to force themselves on other nations. When Obama visited the Organization of American States meeting, he was presented a book, written in the early 1970's, on the bad stuff that the US did in South America. The planning for 9/11 started around 1996.
And yet many Americans like to believe that Bush is to blame. Prior to Bush, according to these people, we were the shinning light on the hill, a beacon for all that is good. Even Amnesty International published an article bemoaning the decline, under Bush, of American values and goodness. Of course, I challenge anyone to find any favorable Amnesty International report on the US prior to 2001.
But now, under Obama, “American citizens are starting to feel like they’re Typhoid Mary,” and are no longer allowed to keep money in Swiss Banks.
And yet many Americans like to believe that Bush is to blame. Prior to Bush, according to these people, we were the shinning light on the hill, a beacon for all that is good. Even Amnesty International published an article bemoaning the decline, under Bush, of American values and goodness. Of course, I challenge anyone to find any favorable Amnesty International report on the US prior to 2001.
But now, under Obama, “American citizens are starting to feel like they’re Typhoid Mary,” and are no longer allowed to keep money in Swiss Banks.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Retirement Age
It should be a no-brainer that when the life expectancy increases from 62 (as it was in the US when Social Security started) to 79 as it is now in the US, the age for receiving a pension should go up. Social Security did go up slightly but not enough. And we have a real problem with pensions, especially public employee pensions.
First, military, police, and fire personnel got pensions at a rather young age. Maybe that made sense since there was a lower life expectancy for them anyway. But other public employees seem to be getting similar sweetheart deals. Teachers retiring at 50? What is the problem here. It is great that public employees are among the few that still get a pension but there needs to be a large increase in the retirement age. 70 is a better age. Or 75.
If you want to retire before than, save some money. Don't count on taxpayers subsidizing your retirement at 55, 60, 62, or earlier.
First, military, police, and fire personnel got pensions at a rather young age. Maybe that made sense since there was a lower life expectancy for them anyway. But other public employees seem to be getting similar sweetheart deals. Teachers retiring at 50? What is the problem here. It is great that public employees are among the few that still get a pension but there needs to be a large increase in the retirement age. 70 is a better age. Or 75.
If you want to retire before than, save some money. Don't count on taxpayers subsidizing your retirement at 55, 60, 62, or earlier.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Hope and Change
Why don't we get this stuff in the US? Der Spiegel compares Obama with Bush and Lawrence Summers as Bush's Cheney. Both Obama and Bush pursued policies with a religious zeal, and disregarded science and common sense.
The Obama Administration has made 5 errors on the economy. Obama's Myths:
1. The debt is not as bad as it may seem.
2. The current spending is OK since it is geared to reviving the economy.
3. When the crisis ends, borrowing will fall.
4. The US is borrowing from capital markets, such as the Chinese and Japanese
5. The additional borrowing is harmless and will not lead to increased inflation.
I just hope that when this experiment fails, people understand that it failed. But the people who write history will probably distort it.
The Obama Administration has made 5 errors on the economy. Obama's Myths:
1. The debt is not as bad as it may seem.
2. The current spending is OK since it is geared to reviving the economy.
3. When the crisis ends, borrowing will fall.
4. The US is borrowing from capital markets, such as the Chinese and Japanese
5. The additional borrowing is harmless and will not lead to increased inflation.
I just hope that when this experiment fails, people understand that it failed. But the people who write history will probably distort it.
Crop Circles Explained
And Australia being the world's leading supplier of opium is interesting also.
And Australia being the world's leading supplier of opium is interesting also.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Health Care
Maybe Government run health care is good. We are having a problem with the high costs of public pensions, social security, and Medicare. If people would just die younger we would save $billions.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Drone Strike
It is beyond me why there is not more of a furor in this country about these drone strikes. The number of strikes have gone up in the past 6 months and another estimate is that 687 people have been killed, including 14 Al Qaeda militant. The remainding 673 are presumed innocent. Actually, all 687 are presumed innocent.
Public Pensions
The public needs to learn more about public pensions. Few seem to care or understand how this is breaking the economy and taking away so many opportunities to provide health care, education, green energy, etc. Public employees retiring with million dollar pensions is an outrage. Million $ pensions? A $48,000 annual pension for a 60yr old costs $772,000. The same amount for a 55 yr old cost $831,000. A $72,000 pension for a 55 yr old costs $1,031,000. And these pensions are fixed. Throw in pensions with cost of living adjustments (which no one seems to sell) and the costs would be much higher.
Monday, June 22, 2009
US and Charity
From the following website:
We have heard that the USA ties its aid, a practice that can ruin local economies and is used to benefit America's allies such as Israel, rather than help the poor. This pours fuel on to a fire of anti-Americanism that burns throughout the educated world, and the facts above are summarized in the directed book, "Why do People Hate America?" by Davies & Sardar:
“[Americans] are regularly told by politicians and the media, that America is the world's most generous nation. This is one of the most conventional pieces of 'knowledgeable ignorance'. According to the OECD, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the US gave between $6 and $15 billion in foreign aid in the period between 1995 and 1999. In absolute terms, Japan gives more than the US, between $9 and $15 billion in the same period. But the absolute figures are less significant than the proportion of gross domestic product (GDP, or national wealth) that a country devotes to foreign aid. On that league table, the US ranks twenty-second of the 22 most developed nations. As former President Jimmy Carter commented: 'We are the stingiest nation of all'. Denmark is top of the table, giving 1.01% of GDP, while the US manages just 0.1%. The United Nations has long established the target of 0.7% GDP for development assistance, although only four countries actually achieve this: Denmark, 1.01%; Norway, 0.91%; the Netherlands, 0.79%; Sweden, 0.7%. Apart from being the least generous nation, the US is highly selective in who receives its aid. Over 50% of its aid budget is spent on middle-income countries in the Middle East, with Israel being the recipient of the largest single share.”
"Why do People Hate America?" by Davies & Sardar, p79
“US aid, which acquired an increasingly military flavour during the Regan years, is now concentrated on a relatively small number of countries of special political importance.”
"Introduction to International Politics" by Heater & Berridge, p80
Source: The Economist 2
Comparing USA aid to that of European countries is not in itself a simple task. The American people are actually no less generous than those of other developed countries. By comparing aid as a percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) you measure the amount of aid that is given by individuals. On this scale, Americans look angelic, giving twice as much as Britons or Canadians. By comparing aid as a fraction of Gross National Income (GNI) as the studies on this page has done, you combine the generosity of the government and individuals. Europeans pay higher taxes to their governments, who in turn operate as welfare states, doing much charitable work2. For this reason, European governments always appear more generous in league tables compared to American governments, which is decidedly not a welfare state. American citizens give no less than others, according to The Economist, "the extra percentage point of its GDP that individuals deposit in rattling tins hardly reflects the much lighter taxes they pay"2. American citizens give more, but the government does so much less that the country as a whole looks miserly. It would not be right to blame the citizens for this, but the lack of a socially-minded government.
We have heard that the USA ties its aid, a practice that can ruin local economies and is used to benefit America's allies such as Israel, rather than help the poor. This pours fuel on to a fire of anti-Americanism that burns throughout the educated world, and the facts above are summarized in the directed book, "Why do People Hate America?" by Davies & Sardar:
“[Americans] are regularly told by politicians and the media, that America is the world's most generous nation. This is one of the most conventional pieces of 'knowledgeable ignorance'. According to the OECD, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the US gave between $6 and $15 billion in foreign aid in the period between 1995 and 1999. In absolute terms, Japan gives more than the US, between $9 and $15 billion in the same period. But the absolute figures are less significant than the proportion of gross domestic product (GDP, or national wealth) that a country devotes to foreign aid. On that league table, the US ranks twenty-second of the 22 most developed nations. As former President Jimmy Carter commented: 'We are the stingiest nation of all'. Denmark is top of the table, giving 1.01% of GDP, while the US manages just 0.1%. The United Nations has long established the target of 0.7% GDP for development assistance, although only four countries actually achieve this: Denmark, 1.01%; Norway, 0.91%; the Netherlands, 0.79%; Sweden, 0.7%. Apart from being the least generous nation, the US is highly selective in who receives its aid. Over 50% of its aid budget is spent on middle-income countries in the Middle East, with Israel being the recipient of the largest single share.”
"Why do People Hate America?" by Davies & Sardar, p79
“US aid, which acquired an increasingly military flavour during the Regan years, is now concentrated on a relatively small number of countries of special political importance.”
"Introduction to International Politics" by Heater & Berridge, p80
Source: The Economist 2
Comparing USA aid to that of European countries is not in itself a simple task. The American people are actually no less generous than those of other developed countries. By comparing aid as a percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) you measure the amount of aid that is given by individuals. On this scale, Americans look angelic, giving twice as much as Britons or Canadians. By comparing aid as a fraction of Gross National Income (GNI) as the studies on this page has done, you combine the generosity of the government and individuals. Europeans pay higher taxes to their governments, who in turn operate as welfare states, doing much charitable work2. For this reason, European governments always appear more generous in league tables compared to American governments, which is decidedly not a welfare state. American citizens give no less than others, according to The Economist, "the extra percentage point of its GDP that individuals deposit in rattling tins hardly reflects the much lighter taxes they pay"2. American citizens give more, but the government does so much less that the country as a whole looks miserly. It would not be right to blame the citizens for this, but the lack of a socially-minded government.
Iranian Election
I don't know what to make of the Iranian election. I would like to see some actual data, such as how many people voted to the candidate. Facts, not demonstrations. The painful period following Bush's 2000 election reminds me of the harm in contesting elections. (And Bush was, in fact, elected, right?-even post election recounts revified that he won Florida and therefore the electoral college and therefore the election.)
But more than 100% voter turnout?
But more than 100% voter turnout?
Man-cession, Not Recession
"Of the 5.7 million jobs Americans lost between December 2007 and May 2009, nearly 80 percent had been held by men"
Apparently some women group did not like the idea of "shovel-ready" projects, building roads and dams and such. They wanted "apron ready" projects. And got them.
"Our incoming president did what many sensible men do when confronted by a chorus of female complaint: He changed his plan."
Apparently some women group did not like the idea of "shovel-ready" projects, building roads and dams and such. They wanted "apron ready" projects. And got them.
"Our incoming president did what many sensible men do when confronted by a chorus of female complaint: He changed his plan."
Obama's Governing Style
President Obama seems to have that same tone deafness that has affected others in the office. He has spent his whole life with a belief structure and now for the first time, he can implement that belief structure. And then judge the outcome when the belief goes against reality. Hopefully he will have the fortitude to change his beliefs as needed.
Friday, June 19, 2009
US CO2 Emissions
Contrary to common knowledge, the preliminary report from the US Energy Information Agency shows that global warming gases dropped during the 8 years of the Bush Administration, from 5,844 million tons to 5,801, to help offset the 15.5% increase during the 8 years of the Clinton-Gore Administration, from 5,058 to 5,844.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Baby boomers are being especially hard hit by the recession.
I like the following line:
"Congress' approval of higher and longer unemployment benefits may contribute to the extra time spent between jobs"
Science tells us as much. The most fundamental theory is psychology is behavior modification. If you want to increase some action, reward it. If you want to decrease some action, punish it.
So, provide unemployment and aid to single parents to increase unemployment and single parent households and tax interest income and capital gains if you want to reduce investments and capital for production.
I like the following line:
"Congress' approval of higher and longer unemployment benefits may contribute to the extra time spent between jobs"
Science tells us as much. The most fundamental theory is psychology is behavior modification. If you want to increase some action, reward it. If you want to decrease some action, punish it.
So, provide unemployment and aid to single parents to increase unemployment and single parent households and tax interest income and capital gains if you want to reduce investments and capital for production.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Post Bush World Opinion of the US
This should not really be news. And, in fact, it doesn't seem to make much news in the US. But it is still interesting that the Iranian public opinion of the US has gotten worse in the past year. Apparently, Iranians were happier with the Bush Administration than they are with the Obama Administration. Slightly.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Obamateurism of the Day
Apparently Obama does not know much about European history either.
Monday, June 8, 2009
A little humor
While in New Orleans last month I discovered this fine satiric newspaper and website. One of
today's columns:
"Obama sets U.S. policy on N. Korea
North Korea recently conducted an underground nuclear test that violated the United Nations' nuclear cease-and-desist order. The action prompted President Obama to replace the Bush administration's policy of, "Could you pleased stop doing that?" with the more forceful decree of, "Bro, that's really not cool." "The former policy just was not getting the point across," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said. "We think this new, strict language, backed up with the threat of further U.N. cease-and-desist orders will dissuade North Korea from its nuclear ambitions." If North Korea continues on its nuclear path, Gibbs said the Obama administration is prepared to ramp up its policy statement, but will need the partnerships of several unlikely allies, such as China, before moving to the "Don't make me come over there" level.
By Zack PocheThe Levee Defcon writer"
While in New Orleans last month I discovered this fine satiric newspaper and website. One of
today's columns:
"Obama sets U.S. policy on N. Korea
North Korea recently conducted an underground nuclear test that violated the United Nations' nuclear cease-and-desist order. The action prompted President Obama to replace the Bush administration's policy of, "Could you pleased stop doing that?" with the more forceful decree of, "Bro, that's really not cool." "The former policy just was not getting the point across," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said. "We think this new, strict language, backed up with the threat of further U.N. cease-and-desist orders will dissuade North Korea from its nuclear ambitions." If North Korea continues on its nuclear path, Gibbs said the Obama administration is prepared to ramp up its policy statement, but will need the partnerships of several unlikely allies, such as China, before moving to the "Don't make me come over there" level.
By Zack PocheThe Levee Defcon writer"
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The Bush-Obama Middle East Rhetoric
"he went on to make points that George W. Bush made repeatedly in the seven years after Sept. 11. “America is not — and never will be — at war with Islam.” “All people yearn for certain things,” including free speech, democracy, the rule of law, “the freedom to live as you choose.” He also echoed Bush in his criticism of “a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations.”
Like Bush and other American presidents, Obama hailed the United States as “one of the greatest sources of progress the world has ever known.”
Like Bush and other American presidents, Obama hailed the United States as “one of the greatest sources of progress the world has ever known.”
Middle East Conflict Resolved
It was always so easy and yet so hard for so many. And a child showed them the way.
The Fading away of the Establishment Media
Always nice to hear about the problems with the New York Times.
But the good news is that the rate of job loss is less than expected. This is a good thing, right. We only lost 345,000 jobs last month and we expected (well, someone expected) to lose 500,000 jobs.
But the good news is that the rate of job loss is less than expected. This is a good thing, right. We only lost 345,000 jobs last month and we expected (well, someone expected) to lose 500,000 jobs.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Religion: Why I am right and you are wrong
I am an apathetic agnostic. I don't know if there is a god and I don't really care either way. I also consider myself a Unitarian although I certainly do not believe in the true theological basis, something opposed to the Trinity, and I find the current social aspects of Unitarian churches sadly misguided. Unitarians are supposed to value the free interchange of ideas but normally Unitarians have strong "liberal" values and dislike opinions that disagree with those liberal values. Rather sad what has happened to Unitarian churches as they have become hotbeds of hatred against Christians, Republicans, and others.
Anyway, all of you who are not apathetic agnostics are wrong and irrational. (Yes, I get the irony between paragraphs 1 and 2-this blog is sarcastic)
Monotheistic Protestants, Catholics, Jews, and Muslims are just goofy with your belief in a god that is not provable. Polytheists like Shintos, Hindus, etc, are likewise irrational to supports gods without any scientific evidence. In this group I would also place the Native American superstitions and talk about "the earth is our mother." No, it is not.
I would not have a problem with Deists if that means that they believe in a god as "the supreme or ultimate reality". Einstein was a Deist and apparently for him god was some sort of scientific shorthand for the stuff beyond our grasp. This makes sense to me and I use that definition of god myself. However, if Deism involves a belief in the afterlife and a "soul" than you have lost me. I am an agnostic regarding the possibility of a soul or afterlife.
Atheists really bother me since they seem to "know" that there is no god. This belief is as irrational as a belief in god. And they compound the problem with their proselytizing and politicizing.
Humanists is a wacko religion. Yes, you are a religion-defined as "a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith" because you believe that somehow Humans have some elevated status among other life forms. How narcissistic that?
And then there are Utopians. They seem rather common today. In the US, they are for universal health care, minimum wages, equality in income, abolishment of poverty, and life, liberty, and happiness for all. Sadly, we are almost all for that stuff. The problem is that you can not just legislate this stuff. Having all of this defies science. Until the behavior sciences eliminate the need for self-responsibility and initiative, these progressive ideas are just unrealistic.
Anyway, all of you who are not apathetic agnostics are wrong and irrational. (Yes, I get the irony between paragraphs 1 and 2-this blog is sarcastic)
Monotheistic Protestants, Catholics, Jews, and Muslims are just goofy with your belief in a god that is not provable. Polytheists like Shintos, Hindus, etc, are likewise irrational to supports gods without any scientific evidence. In this group I would also place the Native American superstitions and talk about "the earth is our mother." No, it is not.
I would not have a problem with Deists if that means that they believe in a god as "the supreme or ultimate reality". Einstein was a Deist and apparently for him god was some sort of scientific shorthand for the stuff beyond our grasp. This makes sense to me and I use that definition of god myself. However, if Deism involves a belief in the afterlife and a "soul" than you have lost me. I am an agnostic regarding the possibility of a soul or afterlife.
Atheists really bother me since they seem to "know" that there is no god. This belief is as irrational as a belief in god. And they compound the problem with their proselytizing and politicizing.
Humanists is a wacko religion. Yes, you are a religion-defined as "a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith" because you believe that somehow Humans have some elevated status among other life forms. How narcissistic that?
And then there are Utopians. They seem rather common today. In the US, they are for universal health care, minimum wages, equality in income, abolishment of poverty, and life, liberty, and happiness for all. Sadly, we are almost all for that stuff. The problem is that you can not just legislate this stuff. Having all of this defies science. Until the behavior sciences eliminate the need for self-responsibility and initiative, these progressive ideas are just unrealistic.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Gay Marriage
New Hampshire becomes the 6th state to allow gay marriage. This is the way that it is supposed to happen-by state legislative action or popular vote. Not through judicial activists legislating, county officials meeting illegally behind close doors, city mayors making independent decisions.
Now if the states could do the same thing for abortion laws.
Things work better when states are allowed to follow the 10th Admendment.
Now if the states could do the same thing for abortion laws.
Things work better when states are allowed to follow the 10th Admendment.
Science and Politics
One of the storylines with the Obama Administration is that they will honor science over religion and we have come back out of the darkness.
Well, it turns out that Walmart leads to reduced obesity. Walmart is healthy for people. Therefore, if you want a healthier population, encourage more Walmarts, and other discount food outlets.
Can't wait to see the response. All that Walmart bashing should end, right?
Well, it turns out that Walmart leads to reduced obesity. Walmart is healthy for people. Therefore, if you want a healthier population, encourage more Walmarts, and other discount food outlets.
Can't wait to see the response. All that Walmart bashing should end, right?
Obama and the Muslim World
Some thoughts on Obama and the "Muslim" world. Surprise-Muslim countries aren't just countries with only Muslims. Like the US, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, etc live in them.
Lebanon is one of several Muslim countries in which Obama's popularity is less than the popularity of the US.
Lebanon is one of several Muslim countries in which Obama's popularity is less than the popularity of the US.
Obama and Intelligence
I really don't mean to pick on Obama but someone needs to point out his ignorance, given the pass that he usually gets. I suspect that he took classes in college in which debate is important and skipped classes which reguired learning facts. And I suspect that he does not read a wide variety of factual stuff, sticking to opinion pieces.
For the record, the US does not have one of the largest Muslim populations but ranks 38th.
And the Austrians don't speak Austrian, the US doesn't have 3% of the world population, Mexicans don't celebrate "Quatro de Cinco" (or Cinco de Mayo for that matter), Kentucky is not closer to Arkansas than Illinois, "Orion" is not pronounced "Or-e-On", etc.
For the record, the US does not have one of the largest Muslim populations but ranks 38th.
And the Austrians don't speak Austrian, the US doesn't have 3% of the world population, Mexicans don't celebrate "Quatro de Cinco" (or Cinco de Mayo for that matter), Kentucky is not closer to Arkansas than Illinois, "Orion" is not pronounced "Or-e-On", etc.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Obama and World Opinion
Does something seem incongruous in Obama's statement that the US can not impose its values on other nations while proclaiming the democracy, rule of law, etc, are universal values. No, they are not universal values.
Empathy and Sotomayor
This idea of empathy in the law seems to be the opposite of blind justice. I want the rule of law. Consistent laws that don't change on a whim.
"You see, empathy was supposed to be inclusive – a way to initiate contact with others, instead of excluding those who don’t seem to fit."
"You see, empathy was supposed to be inclusive – a way to initiate contact with others, instead of excluding those who don’t seem to fit."
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Health Care
While watching the discussion between David Pouffle, Obama's campaign chairman, and Karl Rove, I heard David state numerous times that the objections of the Obama administration are: energy, education, and health care. This has natural appeal to many and there is much support. The more difficult decisions are the specifics of the programs. We are all for energy, education, and health care. With Obama's popularity, Congress will probably push some bill through Congress with little input or discussion. Maybe we will not even have the bill prior to the vote. So much for the transparency of the Obama administration.
Everyone in my family has all the health care that they want. Like the country as a whole, some of them don't want health care and have decided not to pay for it. They are young and healthy. Why pay for insurance that odds are you won't need. I don't pay for long term disability care. It is expensive. Maybe I will need it and regret not having it but that is my choice. And it forces me to watch my diet and exercise program.
If the US is going to have mandatory universal health care, please let it be a carefully thought out and discussed program. Let's not just rush something through to get something done.
Everyone in my family has all the health care that they want. Like the country as a whole, some of them don't want health care and have decided not to pay for it. They are young and healthy. Why pay for insurance that odds are you won't need. I don't pay for long term disability care. It is expensive. Maybe I will need it and regret not having it but that is my choice. And it forces me to watch my diet and exercise program.
If the US is going to have mandatory universal health care, please let it be a carefully thought out and discussed program. Let's not just rush something through to get something done.
Friday, May 29, 2009
US decent into Marxism
Well, Pravda understands what is happening.
(For those who don't know, the Pravda was the official newspaper of the Soviet Union.)
(For those who don't know, the Pravda was the official newspaper of the Soviet Union.)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
North Korea
It has always seemed odd when Obama talks about being left with 2 wars. The US is still at war with the Seminoles and North Korea. Now North Korea has announced that they will no longer abide by the 1953 cease fire agreement.
Chrysler Bailout
Obama seems to have come down on the side of union employees and against the long established rights of investors for Chrysler. One wonders whether Obama has an understanding of investments. Capital, labor, materials, and ideas are all needed for societal improvements. These must be balance in the rewards afforded each of these legs. Taking away the traditional rights of investors may lead to problems.
Going John Galt
I am having a dilemma. I believe in self reliance, self initiative, and self responsibility. I believe that Obama has turned Kennedy's "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for the country" on it's head and believes that we should ask not what you can do for the country but what your country can do for you.
I believe that when the government provides, the incentive to provide for yourself diminishes. So, what to do? John Galt's answer is to withdraw from the economy and not contribute. And that is what people are doing. That is what I am doing. My income is way down and my taxes are way down. I have gone from contributing to society and the less fortunate to having my hand out and getting more from government than I contribute. There is a lot of questioning on my part as to whether this is morally right. I have tried to follow my version of the golden rule: Do unto others that which, if everyone did the same, would be beneficial to society.
We need people to contribute to others.
I believe that when the government provides, the incentive to provide for yourself diminishes. So, what to do? John Galt's answer is to withdraw from the economy and not contribute. And that is what people are doing. That is what I am doing. My income is way down and my taxes are way down. I have gone from contributing to society and the less fortunate to having my hand out and getting more from government than I contribute. There is a lot of questioning on my part as to whether this is morally right. I have tried to follow my version of the golden rule: Do unto others that which, if everyone did the same, would be beneficial to society.
We need people to contribute to others.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Obama and World Opinion
Another reminders that political actions at home affect other nations.
"recent trip to the Far East appears to have been a stark reminder that Asia's "Confucian" culture of right action does not look kindly on the insouciant policy of printing money by Anglo-Saxons." (Note to the writer-Americans are not all Anglo-Saxons and don't call us that.)
"recent trip to the Far East appears to have been a stark reminder that Asia's "Confucian" culture of right action does not look kindly on the insouciant policy of printing money by Anglo-Saxons." (Note to the writer-Americans are not all Anglo-Saxons and don't call us that.)
Impact on US financial decisions
"British banks and stockbrokers may refuse to take on American clients if new international tax proposals outlined by President Obama are passed."
For all this talk about the new multilaterism and working together with other nations, Obama has demonstrated that he has the same unilateralist tendencies and operates like a bull in a china shops. Decisions have consequences beyond the simplistic rhetoric.
For all this talk about the new multilaterism and working together with other nations, Obama has demonstrated that he has the same unilateralist tendencies and operates like a bull in a china shops. Decisions have consequences beyond the simplistic rhetoric.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Public Pensions
The gap between private and public pensions and the looming shortfall in funding the public pensions. How long can this gap continue?
Friday, May 22, 2009
CNN and Newsweek, among other news outlets, can't seem to understand the "tea parties" and don't seem interested in learning about them. They apparently can't understand why people are protesting government spending when Obama wants to not only keep the Bush tax cuts for those earning under $300,000 but increase them. CNN apparently can't understand the concept that Americans are so stupid that they are unhappy with a $400 cut cut.
Of course, the problem is that the current spending will probably result in the federal debt doubling and inflation rising. For those of us receiving a fixed pension, without the cost of living increases that taxpayers are giving public employees, a couple percent increase in the cost of living will more than wipe out any "tax cut". Duh!!
Of course, the problem is that the current spending will probably result in the federal debt doubling and inflation rising. For those of us receiving a fixed pension, without the cost of living increases that taxpayers are giving public employees, a couple percent increase in the cost of living will more than wipe out any "tax cut". Duh!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Fighting Terrorism
A belatedly look back on the Bush Presidency
"The Effective Death Penalty and Anti-Terrorism Act, rushed through both Houses by Bill Clinton after the relative pin prick of the Oklahoma City bombing, was correctly described by the American Civil Liberties Union as the worst possible setback for the cause of citizens' rights. Given that precedent and multiplying it for the sake of proportion, I think we can be pretty sure that wiretapping and water-boarding would have become household words, perhaps even more quickly than they did, and that we might even have heard a few more liberal defenses of the practice."
"The Effective Death Penalty and Anti-Terrorism Act, rushed through both Houses by Bill Clinton after the relative pin prick of the Oklahoma City bombing, was correctly described by the American Civil Liberties Union as the worst possible setback for the cause of citizens' rights. Given that precedent and multiplying it for the sake of proportion, I think we can be pretty sure that wiretapping and water-boarding would have become household words, perhaps even more quickly than they did, and that we might even have heard a few more liberal defenses of the practice."
Global Warming, Part 2
What a thought! Apparently in order to cut emissions, we need Congressional approval! Who knew?
It is a little disconcerting that Secretary Chu does not know about the progress made over the past 3 years as was pointed out earlier in this blog.
It is a little disconcerting that Secretary Chu does not know about the progress made over the past 3 years as was pointed out earlier in this blog.
Global Warming
This weekend there will be a World Business Summit on Climate Change in Copenhagen. Among the speakers will be Al Gore who is not only a advocate of reducing CO2 emissions but also the chair of a green private-equity firm invested in products that a climate-scared world would buy.
Now, we would not like a Exxon sponsored conference on the benefits of petroleum, would we? Shouldn't we dismiss outright such obvious conflicts of interest?
And, of course, let's not forget about GE which stands to make a large profit on cap and trade policies. GE is the parent company of NBC, CNBC, and MSNBC, all of which, oddly enough, support cap and trade policies.
How come no one has asked what seems to be a logical question: If the government "sells" indulgences and allows some to pollute, who gets the money from the sale of these indulgences? Doesn't the air belong to the people? Shouldn't money raised from this go directly to the citizens?
Now, we would not like a Exxon sponsored conference on the benefits of petroleum, would we? Shouldn't we dismiss outright such obvious conflicts of interest?
And, of course, let's not forget about GE which stands to make a large profit on cap and trade policies. GE is the parent company of NBC, CNBC, and MSNBC, all of which, oddly enough, support cap and trade policies.
How come no one has asked what seems to be a logical question: If the government "sells" indulgences and allows some to pollute, who gets the money from the sale of these indulgences? Doesn't the air belong to the people? Shouldn't money raised from this go directly to the citizens?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Economy
My guess would be on door #3. Temporary boost will collapse when taxes are raised later or inflation hits.
My guess would be on door #3. Temporary boost will collapse when taxes are raised later or inflation hits.
CO2 Emissions
Politics appears to impede progress. Contrary to conventional wisdom, there has been considerable improvements on the environmental front over the past 8 years. (8 years is a arbitrary number but there seems to be a steady increase of 23% in CO2 emissions from 1993 until 2001 followed by a levelling off. CO2 emissions currently in the US are about where they were in 2001.) Of course, Bush and Congress did little to cause this but other groups have stepped up.
It will be interested to see if the Obama administration can produce improved outcomes. It is not enough to stabilize emissions, we should see a reduction.
It will be interested to see if the Obama administration can produce improved outcomes. It is not enough to stabilize emissions, we should see a reduction.
Save the Death Star
President Obama declares that the Death Star is too big to fail.
Andrew Carnegie believed that there were 3 phases in life. The first phase was to get as much education as possible, the second was to earn as much money as possible, and the third was to give all of it away. I believe that it was Carnegie who said that "he who dies with money dies disgraced."
So, I am in the third phase of my life, apparently. Since there are 4 billion people living on less than $2/day, my main concerns are for those living in other countries who are struggling. Two charities that I support are:
Also, I support some environmental agencies. A major problem that I have here is that I will not support any agency that gets involved in partisan politics. I do support:
So, I am in the third phase of my life, apparently. Since there are 4 billion people living on less than $2/day, my main concerns are for those living in other countries who are struggling. Two charities that I support are:
Also, I support some environmental agencies. A major problem that I have here is that I will not support any agency that gets involved in partisan politics. I do support:
While strolling around Bourbon St in New Orleans I came across a newsrack. Did a doubletake before realizing the satire.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I guess that there has been some changes in the tax laws in the US. I was recently laid off and, because of my age, started receiving a pension. After 32 years of work, I am fortunate to receive $2,310 a month, plus some employer paid health expenses.
Anyway, they were taking out $108/month for federal taxes until this past deposit when only $37 was withheld. Of course, this is only a temporary amount and for all I know, the government may want more then the $108/month at years end. But, in the meantime, I have $71 extra per month.
Now, I am rather undecided on my taxes. My father, a true FDR liberal, happily paid his taxes, content that he was one of the fortunate people who lived better than most and was glad to help the government help others less fortunate. He was not rich, by Obama's standards, as his peak pay was c. $100,000/year in current dollars but he saw himself as well off. Obama would give him an additional tax rebate. (Is there anyone like my father still left-people who believe that government helps people and therefore one should pay taxes without cheating, etc? Every other Democrat that I have met either wants more from government than they pay or knows that they will avoid paying taxes for these programs anyway.)
I tend to believe that the people are a more efficient user of money than the government. However, when 4 billion people live on less that $2/day, something is terribly wrong when some have so much when others have so little.
So, I don't mind my taxes too much. I just want government to be more efficient, not waste money, and not burden future generations with outrageous debt.
So, the dilemma for me is this: Why is Obama and Congress giving me a tax rebate? I don't need it. Congress and the federal government apparently need it more. If we are adding $1.8 TRILLION (!!!!!) to the national debt this year alone we are adding $438 per person per month to the national debt.
Why in the world would the government want to add to that debt by giving me back $71?
Post Script: Good old Oregon is taking out an extra $3/month. I guess that they need/want part of that "extra" $71. Thank you, Gov. Kulongoski.
Anyway, they were taking out $108/month for federal taxes until this past deposit when only $37 was withheld. Of course, this is only a temporary amount and for all I know, the government may want more then the $108/month at years end. But, in the meantime, I have $71 extra per month.
Now, I am rather undecided on my taxes. My father, a true FDR liberal, happily paid his taxes, content that he was one of the fortunate people who lived better than most and was glad to help the government help others less fortunate. He was not rich, by Obama's standards, as his peak pay was c. $100,000/year in current dollars but he saw himself as well off. Obama would give him an additional tax rebate. (Is there anyone like my father still left-people who believe that government helps people and therefore one should pay taxes without cheating, etc? Every other Democrat that I have met either wants more from government than they pay or knows that they will avoid paying taxes for these programs anyway.)
I tend to believe that the people are a more efficient user of money than the government. However, when 4 billion people live on less that $2/day, something is terribly wrong when some have so much when others have so little.
So, I don't mind my taxes too much. I just want government to be more efficient, not waste money, and not burden future generations with outrageous debt.
So, the dilemma for me is this: Why is Obama and Congress giving me a tax rebate? I don't need it. Congress and the federal government apparently need it more. If we are adding $1.8 TRILLION (!!!!!) to the national debt this year alone we are adding $438 per person per month to the national debt.
Why in the world would the government want to add to that debt by giving me back $71?
Post Script: Good old Oregon is taking out an extra $3/month. I guess that they need/want part of that "extra" $71. Thank you, Gov. Kulongoski.
Torture and International Law
Hope that we have a rational debate on "torture" and a more specific definition.
Bush-Obama Programs
I guess that we should be happy that Obama has the intelligence to understand the rationale for Bush's policies on Gitmo, military tribunals, withholding photos of detainee abuse, bombing Pakistan, internet and telephone surveillance, etc, and is continuing the Bush policies.
I just wish that he had the honesty and/or intelligence on the campaign to understand it. The US population would have been better served.
P.S. Apparently, some on the other side see this as well:
"A few, like MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, have even hurled the left’s ultimate epithet – suggesting that Obama’s turning into George W. Bush. Read more: "Some on left souring on Obama - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com" - http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0509/22604.html#ixzz0G0wUI2ov&A
Heh Heh! http://www2.arkansasonline.com/news/subscriber/opinion/
George W. Obama.
I just wish that he had the honesty and/or intelligence on the campaign to understand it. The US population would have been better served.
P.S. Apparently, some on the other side see this as well:
"A few, like MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, have even hurled the left’s ultimate epithet – suggesting that Obama’s turning into George W. Bush. Read more: "Some on left souring on Obama - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com" - http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0509/22604.html#ixzz0G0wUI2ov&A
Heh Heh! http://www2.arkansasonline.com/news/subscriber/opinion/
George W. Obama.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Is Democracy Dead? Part II
The Obama administration was giving billions to California to stimulate the economy. Of course, California would like to balance their budget by trimming costs and saving $74 million in labor costs.
But the SEIU spent millions helping Obama get elected. And now it is time for payback.
When will we learn that when public unions are allowed to take public stances on partisian politics, democracy loses?
I have had the pleasure to work for 2 respected public groups and in both of them I was not allowed to engage in partisian politics. I worked for the public and the integrity of the group would be compromised if there was partisian political involvement.
I therefore have a policy to vote for any candidate who has the lowest number of SEIU, AFSCME, NEA, FireDepartments, etc behind him/her when they speak. We are heading to a crises due in large part to overly generous public pensions.
But the SEIU spent millions helping Obama get elected. And now it is time for payback.
When will we learn that when public unions are allowed to take public stances on partisian politics, democracy loses?
I have had the pleasure to work for 2 respected public groups and in both of them I was not allowed to engage in partisian politics. I worked for the public and the integrity of the group would be compromised if there was partisian political involvement.
I therefore have a policy to vote for any candidate who has the lowest number of SEIU, AFSCME, NEA, FireDepartments, etc behind him/her when they speak. We are heading to a crises due in large part to overly generous public pensions.
The Bush-Obama Drone Wars on Pakistan
According to this article, the US has killed nearly 700 Pakistani civilians while killing 14 "terrorists". It is fascinating that this does not get more news reporting. Like the US bombings in Serbia in 1999 that killed 1,500 to 5,000 civilians, the US continues to flaunt it's power.
How about the juxtaposition with the 3 torture victims? Apparently it is OK to kill civilians but not scare or bruise terrorist suspects. I just do not get it. If you had a relative, would you prefer that he/she was killed in a bombing raid or in the hands of the CIA?
How about the juxtaposition with the 3 torture victims? Apparently it is OK to kill civilians but not scare or bruise terrorist suspects. I just do not get it. If you had a relative, would you prefer that he/she was killed in a bombing raid or in the hands of the CIA?
The Federal Debt
As of today, the federal debt stands at $11,270 Billion. It is increasing at a rate of $3.8 billion per day. I will become eligible for Social Security (full benefits) in 2016, which, coincidentally, is when the SS system is schedule to start operating at a deficit, with outgo exceding income.
Now, according to our Constitution, the Congress has the following authority:
"Section 8. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States"
In short, the Congress, not the President, has primary responsibility for the budget. So, let's review.
In Jan 1, 1993, the debt was $4,070 billion. By Jan 1, 1995, it was $4,710, for a $625 billion increase under the Democrat controlled Congress. By Jan 1, 2007, it was $8,592 billion under the 12 years of Republican control. And now, after 29 months of Democrat control, it has increased by $2,678 billion. So, in 53 months, 4.4 yrs, under Democrat control, the debt increased by $3,303 billion and in 12 years under Republican control, it increased $3,882 billion.
So, at current rate, the Democrat controlled Congress, should exceed the Republican debt in less than 6 years, or twice the rate.
Now, according to our Constitution, the Congress has the following authority:
"Section 8. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States"
In short, the Congress, not the President, has primary responsibility for the budget. So, let's review.
In Jan 1, 1993, the debt was $4,070 billion. By Jan 1, 1995, it was $4,710, for a $625 billion increase under the Democrat controlled Congress. By Jan 1, 2007, it was $8,592 billion under the 12 years of Republican control. And now, after 29 months of Democrat control, it has increased by $2,678 billion. So, in 53 months, 4.4 yrs, under Democrat control, the debt increased by $3,303 billion and in 12 years under Republican control, it increased $3,882 billion.
So, at current rate, the Democrat controlled Congress, should exceed the Republican debt in less than 6 years, or twice the rate.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Is Democracy Dead?
Recently there have been some attempts by Congress to bailout newspapers which are currently struggling financially.
Recently there is some thought that General Electric (GE), the parent company of MSNBC news, has effectively sold out and is using biased reporting on MSNBC to support a political view. If this view gains support, General Electric will profit significantly with increased Federal spending on GE goods and services.
There should be serious concern here. If journalism is paid for and rewarded by the government we have lost the battle. An Army of David, small, independent reporters have trouble competing with global news organizations which parrot the will of the government.
This seems to be one more step toward the path of centralization and Big Brother. Perhaps the first warning was issued by President Eisenhower who warned of the vast military industrial complex was gaining a foothold in government policy.
Then we have this unfortunate idea of public employee unions actively supporting a party or candidate who was most likely to return this support by overly compensating the employees with public money. This seems so galling and inherently wrong. An individual is allowed to voice his views. However, when he publicly identifies himself with his union in a partisian issue, he has crossed the ethical line. I have had the pleasure of working for two public organization that understood this problem and prohibited employees from publically identifying the organization with any partisian issue.
Recently there is some thought that General Electric (GE), the parent company of MSNBC news, has effectively sold out and is using biased reporting on MSNBC to support a political view. If this view gains support, General Electric will profit significantly with increased Federal spending on GE goods and services.
There should be serious concern here. If journalism is paid for and rewarded by the government we have lost the battle. An Army of David, small, independent reporters have trouble competing with global news organizations which parrot the will of the government.
This seems to be one more step toward the path of centralization and Big Brother. Perhaps the first warning was issued by President Eisenhower who warned of the vast military industrial complex was gaining a foothold in government policy.
Then we have this unfortunate idea of public employee unions actively supporting a party or candidate who was most likely to return this support by overly compensating the employees with public money. This seems so galling and inherently wrong. An individual is allowed to voice his views. However, when he publicly identifies himself with his union in a partisian issue, he has crossed the ethical line. I have had the pleasure of working for two public organization that understood this problem and prohibited employees from publically identifying the organization with any partisian issue.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The governor of Texas raises the question about staying in the United States. This is a very interesting idea that is certainly worth pursuing. Clearly we have the second biggest divide ever in the US as President Obama is the most divisive President in recent years. States should have the freedom to secede. Roughly half of the population believes that the other roughly half is wacko for some reason or other.
And there would be advantages in reducing the size of the US. The US would become less of a world bully. We would no longer be the military and economic determinator. We would not be the world policeman.
Countries that don't like us would be happy. And all countries get annoyed with us from time to time.
And there was a good book written years ago about how a potential breakup of the US should look.
P.S. I am not advocating insurrection or treason. Just thinking out loud. Hopefully this is still legal.
And there would be advantages in reducing the size of the US. The US would become less of a world bully. We would no longer be the military and economic determinator. We would not be the world policeman.
Countries that don't like us would be happy. And all countries get annoyed with us from time to time.
And there was a good book written years ago about how a potential breakup of the US should look.
P.S. I am not advocating insurrection or treason. Just thinking out loud. Hopefully this is still legal.
The idea that Republicans are irrational and don't believe in science while the Democrats are the rational ones full of scientific objectivity is just wrong. Both parties have a value system and a belief system that they subscribe to on faith. Any scientific evidence that reputes their idealogy is dismissed.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Some thoughts on religion freedom in the US, specifically the Boy Scouts.
There are 2 basic definitions of religion and 2 basic definitions of god. Religion: 1. the service and worship of God or the supernatural, 2) a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.God: 1) Deity worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe 2) the supreme or ultimate reality.The Boy Scouts 0f America does not define god. I was a life long agnostic and an Eagle Scout and holder of the BSA Religion in Life award. No problem.
The problem comes when people insist that the #1 definitions must be followed. These definitions seem to be judeochristian definitions, designed to provide authority to Christian religions. The #2 definitions are "secular" definitions, more inclusives and seem to understand that Buddhism and Unitarians, etc, are religions. Why force the judeochristian definition on the public. To me, the analogy is this "mother earth" stuff. There's no "mother earth" but I understand that just means nature.
I am not bothered by what seems to be minor things like words on a bill, the free speech of a Pres., words, in a oath. I am more concerned about people defining those words to mean something different than I define them.I am not offended by Thursday celebrating Thor, January celebrating Janus, the 2000 millenium,celebrating the 2000th birthday of Jesus. I am not offended by Chief Seattle quotes in Natl Parks about "the earth is our mother" No it is not.
If the courts ban the use of god then it seems as if they are accepting the #1 definition of god and are therefore establishing the judeochristians religions, (any probably Islam) as the only true religions. And, de facto, allowing any other "religion", such as Buddhism, Unitarianism, Humanism, etc, permission to be engaged in public discourse while denying Christianity, et al, the same rights.
There are 2 basic definitions of religion and 2 basic definitions of god. Religion: 1. the service and worship of God or the supernatural, 2) a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.God: 1) Deity worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe 2) the supreme or ultimate reality.The Boy Scouts 0f America does not define god. I was a life long agnostic and an Eagle Scout and holder of the BSA Religion in Life award. No problem.
The problem comes when people insist that the #1 definitions must be followed. These definitions seem to be judeochristian definitions, designed to provide authority to Christian religions. The #2 definitions are "secular" definitions, more inclusives and seem to understand that Buddhism and Unitarians, etc, are religions. Why force the judeochristian definition on the public. To me, the analogy is this "mother earth" stuff. There's no "mother earth" but I understand that just means nature.
I am not bothered by what seems to be minor things like words on a bill, the free speech of a Pres., words, in a oath. I am more concerned about people defining those words to mean something different than I define them.I am not offended by Thursday celebrating Thor, January celebrating Janus, the 2000 millenium,celebrating the 2000th birthday of Jesus. I am not offended by Chief Seattle quotes in Natl Parks about "the earth is our mother" No it is not.
If the courts ban the use of god then it seems as if they are accepting the #1 definition of god and are therefore establishing the judeochristians religions, (any probably Islam) as the only true religions. And, de facto, allowing any other "religion", such as Buddhism, Unitarianism, Humanism, etc, permission to be engaged in public discourse while denying Christianity, et al, the same rights.
One thing about Krugman, he is not a Democrat hack and actually has either a value system, or, heaven forbid, seeks the truth whereever it leads him. We need more people who place the facts over special interest partisianship. On "either" side. And, oh how I wish we had some more political parties in the US
One thing about Krugman, he is not a Democrat hack and actually has either a value system, or, heaven forbid, seeks the truth whereever it leads him. We need more people who place the facts over special interest partisianship. On "either" side. And, oh how I wish we had some more political parties in the US
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