Monday, June 29, 2009

The Ugly American

The idea of the Ugly American has been around for centuries. Perhaps it started in the early 1800s when we went after Barbary pirates, against the wishes of European powers. A book, followed by a movie, on the Ugly American was written in 1958. The theme was the way that US attempts to force themselves on other nations. When Obama visited the Organization of American States meeting, he was presented a book, written in the early 1970's, on the bad stuff that the US did in South America. The planning for 9/11 started around 1996.

And yet many Americans like to believe that Bush is to blame. Prior to Bush, according to these people, we were the shinning light on the hill, a beacon for all that is good. Even Amnesty International published an article bemoaning the decline, under Bush, of American values and goodness. Of course, I challenge anyone to find any favorable Amnesty International report on the US prior to 2001.

But now, under Obama, “American citizens are starting to feel like they’re Typhoid Mary,” and are no longer allowed to keep money in Swiss Banks.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Retirement Age

It should be a no-brainer that when the life expectancy increases from 62 (as it was in the US when Social Security started) to 79 as it is now in the US, the age for receiving a pension should go up. Social Security did go up slightly but not enough. And we have a real problem with pensions, especially public employee pensions.

First, military, police, and fire personnel got pensions at a rather young age. Maybe that made sense since there was a lower life expectancy for them anyway. But other public employees seem to be getting similar sweetheart deals. Teachers retiring at 50? What is the problem here. It is great that public employees are among the few that still get a pension but there needs to be a large increase in the retirement age. 70 is a better age. Or 75.
If you want to retire before than, save some money. Don't count on taxpayers subsidizing your retirement at 55, 60, 62, or earlier.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hope and Change

Why don't we get this stuff in the US? Der Spiegel compares Obama with Bush and Lawrence Summers as Bush's Cheney. Both Obama and Bush pursued policies with a religious zeal, and disregarded science and common sense.

The Obama Administration has made 5 errors on the economy. Obama's Myths:
1. The debt is not as bad as it may seem.
2. The current spending is OK since it is geared to reviving the economy.
3. When the crisis ends, borrowing will fall.
4. The US is borrowing from capital markets, such as the Chinese and Japanese
5. The additional borrowing is harmless and will not lead to increased inflation.,1518,632494,00.html

I just hope that when this experiment fails, people understand that it failed. But the people who write history will probably distort it.

Crop Circles Explained

And Australia being the world's leading supplier of opium is interesting also.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Health Care

Maybe Government run health care is good. We are having a problem with the high costs of public pensions, social security, and Medicare. If people would just die younger we would save $billions.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Drone Strike

It is beyond me why there is not more of a furor in this country about these drone strikes. The number of strikes have gone up in the past 6 months and another estimate is that 687 people have been killed, including 14 Al Qaeda militant. The remainding 673 are presumed innocent. Actually, all 687 are presumed innocent.

Public Pensions

The public needs to learn more about public pensions. Few seem to care or understand how this is breaking the economy and taking away so many opportunities to provide health care, education, green energy, etc. Public employees retiring with million dollar pensions is an outrage. Million $ pensions? A $48,000 annual pension for a 60yr old costs $772,000. The same amount for a 55 yr old cost $831,000. A $72,000 pension for a 55 yr old costs $1,031,000. And these pensions are fixed. Throw in pensions with cost of living adjustments (which no one seems to sell) and the costs would be much higher.

Monday, June 22, 2009

US and Charity

From the following website:
We have heard that the USA ties its aid, a practice that can ruin local economies and is used to benefit America's allies such as Israel, rather than help the poor. This pours fuel on to a fire of anti-Americanism that burns throughout the educated world, and the facts above are summarized in the directed book, "Why do People Hate America?" by Davies & Sardar:
“[Americans] are regularly told by politicians and the media, that America is the world's most generous nation. This is one of the most conventional pieces of 'knowledgeable ignorance'. According to the OECD, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the US gave between $6 and $15 billion in foreign aid in the period between 1995 and 1999. In absolute terms, Japan gives more than the US, between $9 and $15 billion in the same period. But the absolute figures are less significant than the proportion of gross domestic product (GDP, or national wealth) that a country devotes to foreign aid. On that league table, the US ranks twenty-second of the 22 most developed nations. As former President Jimmy Carter commented: 'We are the stingiest nation of all'. Denmark is top of the table, giving 1.01% of GDP, while the US manages just 0.1%. The United Nations has long established the target of 0.7% GDP for development assistance, although only four countries actually achieve this: Denmark, 1.01%; Norway, 0.91%; the Netherlands, 0.79%; Sweden, 0.7%. Apart from being the least generous nation, the US is highly selective in who receives its aid. Over 50% of its aid budget is spent on middle-income countries in the Middle East, with Israel being the recipient of the largest single share.”
"Why do People Hate America?" by Davies & Sardar, p79
“US aid, which acquired an increasingly military flavour during the Regan years, is now concentrated on a relatively small number of countries of special political importance.”
"Introduction to International Politics" by Heater & Berridge, p80
Source: The Economist 2
Comparing USA aid to that of European countries is not in itself a simple task. The American people are actually no less generous than those of other developed countries. By comparing aid as a percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) you measure the amount of aid that is given by individuals. On this scale, Americans look angelic, giving twice as much as Britons or Canadians. By comparing aid as a fraction of Gross National Income (GNI) as the studies on this page has done, you combine the generosity of the government and individuals. Europeans pay higher taxes to their governments, who in turn operate as welfare states, doing much charitable work2. For this reason, European governments always appear more generous in league tables compared to American governments, which is decidedly not a welfare state. American citizens give no less than others, according to The Economist, "the extra percentage point of its GDP that individuals deposit in rattling tins hardly reflects the much lighter taxes they pay"2. American citizens give more, but the government does so much less that the country as a whole looks miserly. It would not be right to blame the citizens for this, but the lack of a socially-minded government.

Iranian Election

I don't know what to make of the Iranian election. I would like to see some actual data, such as how many people voted to the candidate. Facts, not demonstrations. The painful period following Bush's 2000 election reminds me of the harm in contesting elections. (And Bush was, in fact, elected, right?-even post election recounts revified that he won Florida and therefore the electoral college and therefore the election.)

But more than 100% voter turnout?

Man-cession, Not Recession

"Of the 5.7 million jobs Americans lost between December 2007 and May 2009, nearly 80 percent had been held by men"

Apparently some women group did not like the idea of "shovel-ready" projects, building roads and dams and such. They wanted "apron ready" projects. And got them.

"Our incoming president did what many sensible men do when confronted by a chorus of female complaint: He changed his plan."

Obama's Governing Style

President Obama seems to have that same tone deafness that has affected others in the office. He has spent his whole life with a belief structure and now for the first time, he can implement that belief structure. And then judge the outcome when the belief goes against reality. Hopefully he will have the fortitude to change his beliefs as needed.

Friday, June 19, 2009

US CO2 Emissions

Contrary to common knowledge, the preliminary report from the US Energy Information Agency shows that global warming gases dropped during the 8 years of the Bush Administration, from 5,844 million tons to 5,801, to help offset the 15.5% increase during the 8 years of the Clinton-Gore Administration, from 5,058 to 5,844.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Baby boomers are being especially hard hit by the recession.

I like the following line:
"Congress' approval of higher and longer unemployment benefits may contribute to the extra time spent between jobs"

Science tells us as much. The most fundamental theory is psychology is behavior modification. If you want to increase some action, reward it. If you want to decrease some action, punish it.
So, provide unemployment and aid to single parents to increase unemployment and single parent households and tax interest income and capital gains if you want to reduce investments and capital for production.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Post Bush World Opinion of the US

This should not really be news. And, in fact, it doesn't seem to make much news in the US. But it is still interesting that the Iranian public opinion of the US has gotten worse in the past year. Apparently, Iranians were happier with the Bush Administration than they are with the Obama Administration. Slightly.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

A little humor

While in New Orleans last month I discovered this fine satiric newspaper and website. One of
today's columns:

"Obama sets U.S. policy on N. Korea
North Korea recently conducted an underground nuclear test that violated the United Nations' nuclear cease-and-desist order. The action prompted President Obama to replace the Bush administration's policy of, "Could you pleased stop doing that?" with the more forceful decree of, "Bro, that's really not cool." "The former policy just was not getting the point across," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said. "We think this new, strict language, backed up with the threat of further U.N. cease-and-desist orders will dissuade North Korea from its nuclear ambitions." If North Korea continues on its nuclear path, Gibbs said the Obama administration is prepared to ramp up its policy statement, but will need the partnerships of several unlikely allies, such as China, before moving to the "Don't make me come over there" level.
By Zack PocheThe Levee Defcon writer"

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Bush-Obama Middle East Rhetoric

"he went on to make points that George W. Bush made repeatedly in the seven years after Sept. 11. “America is not — and never will be — at war with Islam.” “All people yearn for certain things,” including free speech, democracy, the rule of law, “the freedom to live as you choose.” He also echoed Bush in his criticism of “a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations.”
Like Bush and other American presidents, Obama hailed the United States as “one of the greatest sources of progress the world has ever known.”

Middle East Conflict Resolved

It was always so easy and yet so hard for so many. And a child showed them the way.

The Fading away of the Establishment Media

Always nice to hear about the problems with the New York Times.


But the good news is that the rate of job loss is less than expected. This is a good thing, right. We only lost 345,000 jobs last month and we expected (well, someone expected) to lose 500,000 jobs.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

US federal government is too big to fail

Old Economy

Religion: Why I am right and you are wrong

I am an apathetic agnostic. I don't know if there is a god and I don't really care either way. I also consider myself a Unitarian although I certainly do not believe in the true theological basis, something opposed to the Trinity, and I find the current social aspects of Unitarian churches sadly misguided. Unitarians are supposed to value the free interchange of ideas but normally Unitarians have strong "liberal" values and dislike opinions that disagree with those liberal values. Rather sad what has happened to Unitarian churches as they have become hotbeds of hatred against Christians, Republicans, and others.

Anyway, all of you who are not apathetic agnostics are wrong and irrational. (Yes, I get the irony between paragraphs 1 and 2-this blog is sarcastic)

Monotheistic Protestants, Catholics, Jews, and Muslims are just goofy with your belief in a god that is not provable. Polytheists like Shintos, Hindus, etc, are likewise irrational to supports gods without any scientific evidence. In this group I would also place the Native American superstitions and talk about "the earth is our mother." No, it is not.

I would not have a problem with Deists if that means that they believe in a god as "the supreme or ultimate reality". Einstein was a Deist and apparently for him god was some sort of scientific shorthand for the stuff beyond our grasp. This makes sense to me and I use that definition of god myself. However, if Deism involves a belief in the afterlife and a "soul" than you have lost me. I am an agnostic regarding the possibility of a soul or afterlife.

Atheists really bother me since they seem to "know" that there is no god. This belief is as irrational as a belief in god. And they compound the problem with their proselytizing and politicizing.

Humanists is a wacko religion. Yes, you are a religion-defined as "a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith" because you believe that somehow Humans have some elevated status among other life forms. How narcissistic that?

And then there are Utopians. They seem rather common today. In the US, they are for universal health care, minimum wages, equality in income, abolishment of poverty, and life, liberty, and happiness for all. Sadly, we are almost all for that stuff. The problem is that you can not just legislate this stuff. Having all of this defies science. Until the behavior sciences eliminate the need for self-responsibility and initiative, these progressive ideas are just unrealistic.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gay Marriage

New Hampshire becomes the 6th state to allow gay marriage. This is the way that it is supposed to happen-by state legislative action or popular vote. Not through judicial activists legislating, county officials meeting illegally behind close doors, city mayors making independent decisions.

Now if the states could do the same thing for abortion laws.

Things work better when states are allowed to follow the 10th Admendment.

The Economy

Angela Merkel appears to get it

But does any other leader?

Science and Politics

One of the storylines with the Obama Administration is that they will honor science over religion and we have come back out of the darkness.
Well, it turns out that Walmart leads to reduced obesity. Walmart is healthy for people. Therefore, if you want a healthier population, encourage more Walmarts, and other discount food outlets.

Can't wait to see the response. All that Walmart bashing should end, right?

Obama and the Muslim World

Some thoughts on Obama and the "Muslim" world. Surprise-Muslim countries aren't just countries with only Muslims. Like the US, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, etc live in them.

Lebanon is one of several Muslim countries in which Obama's popularity is less than the popularity of the US.

Obama and Intelligence

I really don't mean to pick on Obama but someone needs to point out his ignorance, given the pass that he usually gets. I suspect that he took classes in college in which debate is important and skipped classes which reguired learning facts. And I suspect that he does not read a wide variety of factual stuff, sticking to opinion pieces.

For the record, the US does not have one of the largest Muslim populations but ranks 38th.
And the Austrians don't speak Austrian, the US doesn't have 3% of the world population, Mexicans don't celebrate "Quatro de Cinco" (or Cinco de Mayo for that matter), Kentucky is not closer to Arkansas than Illinois, "Orion" is not pronounced "Or-e-On", etc.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Obama and World Opinion

Does something seem incongruous in Obama's statement that the US can not impose its values on other nations while proclaiming the democracy, rule of law, etc, are universal values. No, they are not universal values.

Empathy and Sotomayor

This idea of empathy in the law seems to be the opposite of blind justice. I want the rule of law. Consistent laws that don't change on a whim.

"You see, empathy was supposed to be inclusive – a way to initiate contact with others, instead of excluding those who don’t seem to fit."