Sunday, May 31, 2009


Health Care

While watching the discussion between David Pouffle, Obama's campaign chairman, and Karl Rove, I heard David state numerous times that the objections of the Obama administration are: energy, education, and health care. This has natural appeal to many and there is much support. The more difficult decisions are the specifics of the programs. We are all for energy, education, and health care. With Obama's popularity, Congress will probably push some bill through Congress with little input or discussion. Maybe we will not even have the bill prior to the vote. So much for the transparency of the Obama administration.

Everyone in my family has all the health care that they want. Like the country as a whole, some of them don't want health care and have decided not to pay for it. They are young and healthy. Why pay for insurance that odds are you won't need. I don't pay for long term disability care. It is expensive. Maybe I will need it and regret not having it but that is my choice. And it forces me to watch my diet and exercise program.

If the US is going to have mandatory universal health care, please let it be a carefully thought out and discussed program. Let's not just rush something through to get something done.

Friday, May 29, 2009

US decent into Marxism

Well, Pravda understands what is happening.

(For those who don't know, the Pravda was the official newspaper of the Soviet Union.)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

North Korea

It has always seemed odd when Obama talks about being left with 2 wars. The US is still at war with the Seminoles and North Korea. Now North Korea has announced that they will no longer abide by the 1953 cease fire agreement.

Susan Boyle

Oh no! Say it ain't so, Susan Boyle!

Chrysler Bailout

Obama seems to have come down on the side of union employees and against the long established rights of investors for Chrysler. One wonders whether Obama has an understanding of investments. Capital, labor, materials, and ideas are all needed for societal improvements. These must be balance in the rewards afforded each of these legs. Taking away the traditional rights of investors may lead to problems.

Going John Galt

I am having a dilemma. I believe in self reliance, self initiative, and self responsibility. I believe that Obama has turned Kennedy's "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for the country" on it's head and believes that we should ask not what you can do for the country but what your country can do for you.
I believe that when the government provides, the incentive to provide for yourself diminishes. So, what to do? John Galt's answer is to withdraw from the economy and not contribute. And that is what people are doing. That is what I am doing. My income is way down and my taxes are way down. I have gone from contributing to society and the less fortunate to having my hand out and getting more from government than I contribute. There is a lot of questioning on my part as to whether this is morally right. I have tried to follow my version of the golden rule: Do unto others that which, if everyone did the same, would be beneficial to society.

We need people to contribute to others.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Obama and World Opinion

Another reminders that political actions at home affect other nations.

"recent trip to the Far East appears to have been a stark reminder that Asia's "Confucian" culture of right action does not look kindly on the insouciant policy of printing money by Anglo-Saxons." (Note to the writer-Americans are not all Anglo-Saxons and don't call us that.)

Impact on US financial decisions

"British banks and stockbrokers may refuse to take on American clients if new international tax proposals outlined by President Obama are passed."

For all this talk about the new multilaterism and working together with other nations, Obama has demonstrated that he has the same unilateralist tendencies and operates like a bull in a china shops. Decisions have consequences beyond the simplistic rhetoric.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Federal Debt

Well, duh! We are out of money.

Public Pensions

The gap between private and public pensions and the looming shortfall in funding the public pensions. How long can this gap continue?,0,7451798.column

Friday, May 22, 2009

Tax Rates in Germany

Ahh! Those Germans!


CNN and Newsweek, among other news outlets, can't seem to understand the "tea parties" and don't seem interested in learning about them. They apparently can't understand why people are protesting government spending when Obama wants to not only keep the Bush tax cuts for those earning under $300,000 but increase them. CNN apparently can't understand the concept that Americans are so stupid that they are unhappy with a $400 cut cut.

Of course, the problem is that the current spending will probably result in the federal debt doubling and inflation rising. For those of us receiving a fixed pension, without the cost of living increases that taxpayers are giving public employees, a couple percent increase in the cost of living will more than wipe out any "tax cut". Duh!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fighting Terrorism

A belatedly look back on the Bush Presidency

"The Effective Death Penalty and Anti-Terrorism Act, rushed through both Houses by Bill Clinton after the relative pin prick of the Oklahoma City bombing, was correctly described by the American Civil Liberties Union as the worst possible setback for the cause of citizens' rights. Given that precedent and multiplying it for the sake of proportion, I think we can be pretty sure that wiretapping and water-boarding would have become household words, perhaps even more quickly than they did, and that we might even have heard a few more liberal defenses of the practice."

Global Warming, Part 2

What a thought! Apparently in order to cut emissions, we need Congressional approval! Who knew?

It is a little disconcerting that Secretary Chu does not know about the progress made over the past 3 years as was pointed out earlier in this blog.

Global Warming

This weekend there will be a World Business Summit on Climate Change in Copenhagen. Among the speakers will be Al Gore who is not only a advocate of reducing CO2 emissions but also the chair of a green private-equity firm invested in products that a climate-scared world would buy.

Now, we would not like a Exxon sponsored conference on the benefits of petroleum, would we? Shouldn't we dismiss outright such obvious conflicts of interest?

And, of course, let's not forget about GE which stands to make a large profit on cap and trade policies. GE is the parent company of NBC, CNBC, and MSNBC, all of which, oddly enough, support cap and trade policies.

How come no one has asked what seems to be a logical question: If the government "sells" indulgences and allows some to pollute, who gets the money from the sale of these indulgences? Doesn't the air belong to the people? Shouldn't money raised from this go directly to the citizens?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Economy

My guess would be on door #3. Temporary boost will collapse when taxes are raised later or inflation hits.

CO2 Emissions

Politics appears to impede progress. Contrary to conventional wisdom, there has been considerable improvements on the environmental front over the past 8 years. (8 years is a arbitrary number but there seems to be a steady increase of 23% in CO2 emissions from 1993 until 2001 followed by a levelling off. CO2 emissions currently in the US are about where they were in 2001.) Of course, Bush and Congress did little to cause this but other groups have stepped up.

It will be interested to see if the Obama administration can produce improved outcomes. It is not enough to stabilize emissions, we should see a reduction.

Save the Death Star

President Obama declares that the Death Star is too big to fail.


Andrew Carnegie believed that there were 3 phases in life. The first phase was to get as much education as possible, the second was to earn as much money as possible, and the third was to give all of it away. I believe that it was Carnegie who said that "he who dies with money dies disgraced."

So, I am in the third phase of my life, apparently. Since there are 4 billion people living on less than $2/day, my main concerns are for those living in other countries who are struggling. Two charities that I support are:

Also, I support some environmental agencies. A major problem that I have here is that I will not support any agency that gets involved in partisan politics. I do support:


While strolling around Bourbon St in New Orleans I came across a newsrack. Did a doubletake before realizing the satire.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I guess that there has been some changes in the tax laws in the US. I was recently laid off and, because of my age, started receiving a pension. After 32 years of work, I am fortunate to receive $2,310 a month, plus some employer paid health expenses.

Anyway, they were taking out $108/month for federal taxes until this past deposit when only $37 was withheld. Of course, this is only a temporary amount and for all I know, the government may want more then the $108/month at years end. But, in the meantime, I have $71 extra per month.

Now, I am rather undecided on my taxes. My father, a true FDR liberal, happily paid his taxes, content that he was one of the fortunate people who lived better than most and was glad to help the government help others less fortunate. He was not rich, by Obama's standards, as his peak pay was c. $100,000/year in current dollars but he saw himself as well off. Obama would give him an additional tax rebate. (Is there anyone like my father still left-people who believe that government helps people and therefore one should pay taxes without cheating, etc? Every other Democrat that I have met either wants more from government than they pay or knows that they will avoid paying taxes for these programs anyway.)

I tend to believe that the people are a more efficient user of money than the government. However, when 4 billion people live on less that $2/day, something is terribly wrong when some have so much when others have so little.

So, I don't mind my taxes too much. I just want government to be more efficient, not waste money, and not burden future generations with outrageous debt.

So, the dilemma for me is this: Why is Obama and Congress giving me a tax rebate? I don't need it. Congress and the federal government apparently need it more. If we are adding $1.8 TRILLION (!!!!!) to the national debt this year alone we are adding $438 per person per month to the national debt.

Why in the world would the government want to add to that debt by giving me back $71?

Post Script: Good old Oregon is taking out an extra $3/month. I guess that they need/want part of that "extra" $71. Thank you, Gov. Kulongoski.

Torture and International Law

Hope that we have a rational debate on "torture" and a more specific definition.

Bush-Obama Programs

I guess that we should be happy that Obama has the intelligence to understand the rationale for Bush's policies on Gitmo, military tribunals, withholding photos of detainee abuse, bombing Pakistan, internet and telephone surveillance, etc, and is continuing the Bush policies.

I just wish that he had the honesty and/or intelligence on the campaign to understand it. The US population would have been better served.

P.S. Apparently, some on the other side see this as well:
"A few, like MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, have even hurled the left’s ultimate epithet – suggesting that Obama’s turning into George W. Bush. Read more: "Some on left souring on Obama - Josh Gerstein -" -

Heh Heh!

George W. Obama.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Is Democracy Dead? Part II

The Obama administration was giving billions to California to stimulate the economy. Of course, California would like to balance their budget by trimming costs and saving $74 million in labor costs.

But the SEIU spent millions helping Obama get elected. And now it is time for payback.,0,6166232.story

When will we learn that when public unions are allowed to take public stances on partisian politics, democracy loses?

I have had the pleasure to work for 2 respected public groups and in both of them I was not allowed to engage in partisian politics. I worked for the public and the integrity of the group would be compromised if there was partisian political involvement.

I therefore have a policy to vote for any candidate who has the lowest number of SEIU, AFSCME, NEA, FireDepartments, etc behind him/her when they speak. We are heading to a crises due in large part to overly generous public pensions.

The Bush-Obama Drone Wars on Pakistan

According to this article, the US has killed nearly 700 Pakistani civilians while killing 14 "terrorists". It is fascinating that this does not get more news reporting. Like the US bombings in Serbia in 1999 that killed 1,500 to 5,000 civilians, the US continues to flaunt it's power.

How about the juxtaposition with the 3 torture victims? Apparently it is OK to kill civilians but not scare or bruise terrorist suspects. I just do not get it. If you had a relative, would you prefer that he/she was killed in a bombing raid or in the hands of the CIA?

The Federal Debt

As of today, the federal debt stands at $11,270 Billion. It is increasing at a rate of $3.8 billion per day. I will become eligible for Social Security (full benefits) in 2016, which, coincidentally, is when the SS system is schedule to start operating at a deficit, with outgo exceding income.

Now, according to our Constitution, the Congress has the following authority:

"Section 8. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States"

In short, the Congress, not the President, has primary responsibility for the budget. So, let's review.

In Jan 1, 1993, the debt was $4,070 billion. By Jan 1, 1995, it was $4,710, for a $625 billion increase under the Democrat controlled Congress. By Jan 1, 2007, it was $8,592 billion under the 12 years of Republican control. And now, after 29 months of Democrat control, it has increased by $2,678 billion. So, in 53 months, 4.4 yrs, under Democrat control, the debt increased by $3,303 billion and in 12 years under Republican control, it increased $3,882 billion.

So, at current rate, the Democrat controlled Congress, should exceed the Republican debt in less than 6 years, or twice the rate.