One of the biggest mistakes that the environmental movement has made is they have gotten in bed with the Democratic Party and alienated many Republicans who would normally be natural supports. After all, the modern environmental movement was arguably started by a Republican, Theodore Roosevelt. One of the more jarring examples of this was when the Natural Resources Defense Fund sent out a fundraising letter warning of the evils of Sarah Palin. At the time, Sarah Palin was a private citizen and not running for anything while the worst US environmental disaster, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, with drilling authorized by the Obama administration, was in the middle of it's destructive rampage.
Palin was also blasted by the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund in 2008 for authorizing the shooting of wolves from helicopters. She was labeled as sadistic and brutal. And that someone like that did not deserve to be President
Odd, but the federal government is now authorizing all kinds of methods for killing feral hogs in San Diego county, including hunting by helicopter.